Raleigh, N.C. – A new poll released by the Civitas Institute shows North Carolina’s unaffiliated voters are not too fond of D.C. politicians such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and John Boehner.
Among all D.C. politicians, President Barack Obama is viewed most positively among voters by a 46 percent favorable to 47 percent unfavorable margin. Unaffiliated voters age 26-40 view the President most favorably (56 percent), while just 33 percent of those in the 56-65 demographic have a favorable opinion of him.
Favorable voter sentiment drops among other D.C. politicians such as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi whose favorable rating among unaffiliateds is 26 percent favorable to 51 percent unfavorable. These numbers are largely unchanged since an August 2010 Civitas poll when 25 percent held a favorable view of her.
“While Democratic leaders have seen their unfavorable ratings drop as they are less in the news and between elections, they have not seen their favorables rise,” said Civitas Institute President Francis De Luca.
Similarly, just 22 percent of North Carolina’s unaffiliated voters view Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in a favorable light, while 34 percent said they have a negative opinion.
As for Republicans, voters hold an overall unfavorable opinion of House Speaker John Boehner by a 22 percent to 35 percent unfavorable margin. Those in the Northeast view him most favorably (46 percent) as Triangle voters have the most negative opinion of him by the same percentage.
“The numbers for Republican speaker Boehner should be a warning to all the national politicians that the voting public is in a bad mood,” added De Luca.
The Civitas Poll is the only regular live-caller poll of critical issues facing North Carolina. For more information on Civitas polling see http://www.nccivitas.org/category/poll/.
Full Text of Questions:
“Now I am going to read you a list of people active in politics. After I read each name, please tell me if you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of that person. If you have never heard of them just tell me and we’ll go on to the next one: Barack Obama.”
Favorable – 46%
Unfavorable – 47%
Heard of/No Opinion – 6%
Never Heard Of – 1%
“Nancy Pelosi”
Favorable – 26%
Unfavorable – 51%
Heard of/No Opinion – 15%
Never Heard Of – 7%
“Harry Reid”
Favorable – 22%
Unfavorable – 34%
Heard of/No Opinion – 18%
Never Heard Of – 26%
“John Boehner”
Favorable – 22%
Unfavorable – 35%
Heard of/No Opinion – 22%
Never Heard Of – 21%
Click here for full results and crosstabs.
This poll of 400 unaffiliated general election voters in North Carolina was conducted August 15-16 by National Research, Inc. of Holmdel, NJ. All respondents were part of a fully representative sample of unaffiliated voters in North Carolina. For purposes of this study, voters interviewed had to have voted in at least one of the past three general elections (2006, 2008, 2010) or be newly registered to vote since November 2, 2010.
The confidence interval associated with a sample of this size is such that: 95 percent of the time, results from 400 interviews (registered voters) will be within +/-4.9% of the “True Values.” True Values refer to the results obtained if it were possible to interview every unaffiliated voter in North Carolina who had voted in at least one of the past three general elections or is newly registered since November 2, 2010.
Show me a person that finds any of these bums favorable, and I will show you a person that does not read the news.