Dogs are often referred to as “man’s best friend.” Apparently, they aren’t a friend of Rep. Ellie Kinnaird.
SB 35, Orange Co./No Deer Hunting with Dogs, sponsored by Kinnaird (D-Orange) would criminalize anyone attempting to “hunt deer or attempt to take deer with the aid of dogs at any time” in Orange County.
Hunting deer would still be legal, mind you, it is the act of bringing along a dog which would turn you into a criminal.
Apparently Kinnaird takes no issue with hunters shooting bullets at Bambi, but views Lassie as a threat to public safety.
Because it is such a silly expansion of unnecessary legislation and criminalizes the harmless act of having your dog join you in the forest in search of deer, SB 35 is this week’s Bad Bill of the Week.
Next Election Target: This person is an enemy of second amendment rights and needs to be challenged in Orange County in 2012.
Leave the hunting alone and lets get down to cutting spending, cutting taxes, cut out government waste.The list can go on. Get some work done and quit messing around.We have to much machinery of government then necessary, too many paracites on the labor of the industrious.
Oh, my Lord. You have got to be kidding! With so many serious issues we need to address, such as cutting spending and government waste, this person would rather waste their time on such nonsense as this. Another government control. We need less government, not more. No wonder our state and country is in such a mess.
I wonder how many new personnel would be needed to add to the beauracracy to start such a monitoring program. In what way would regulations need to be changed to continue those new folks. How long would it take to increase the number of personnel as time went along and the regulations changed? Did the good senator consider such questions before introducing this bill? Will the good senator now stop being frivilous and begin to address our real issues of state?