Q25. In your own words, why would you say you approve of Bev Perdue?
- She’s got intestinal fortitude, guts. She knows what she wants and goes for it.
- She’s trying to maintain school policy without expensive programs and other programs.
- Because she’s trying to get things done. The House and Senate basically keep ruining it.
- Very concerned with creating jobs in North Carolina, and it is her top priority.
- Number one, she is doing the best she can as a Democrat, and the whole thing is Republican. The Congress. She’s on the right track as far as I’m concerned.
- I think she sticks to her guns.
- She’s working well with the budget.
- She seems genuine, and she really seems genuinely to help people. What got my attention was when she vetoed, I think, a bill that would have cut funding for something, I can’t remember. It may have been something to do with the teachers. Whatever it was, I was in favor of her.
- I feel that she is totally engaged and involved for doing her very best for her state.
- Because I think under the circumstances, she’s doing the best she can.
- Because I like what she’s trying to do for the state. She’s trying very hard to improve the state.
- She holds her ground on issues.
- Well, just because I think she is thoughtful and knowledgeable.
- She is doing a good job for the state and economy.
- The main reason I approve is that she is more for our human resources, and the Republicans have tried to step in and take that away, and she vetoed it. She is a strong woman and leader, and I will definitely vote for her.
- I don’t know. She seems to know what she’s doing.
- I like her as a Democrat. Help creating jobs.
- She does a good job with the state. Her hands are tied with a lot of things.
- Well, she has priorities that are important.
- Because I feel that North Carolina is doing better than a whole world as a whole.
- For one thing, she stuck with us, and she is bringing a lot of controversy.
- Because she’s doing the best she can.
- I don’t know. She is governor. I guess she hasn’t failed me. No worse than the last governor we had. A crook is a crook.
- I think she’s doing a good job.
- Takes time to change things, and she is on the right track.
- She’s in between. I believe in some of the things she is doing.
- The governor is trying to do as much as she can to prevent the Republican party from taking as much as they can from the working people.
- She’s doing a good job with what she can do.
- She’s reasonable.
- She stood up to the Republicans. She has been a very strong governor. She has gotten jobs for the state.
- I think she has some great ideas, and she is working to improve North Carolina. She is hampered by her legislature.
- I like the things she has done.
- I like what she has done so far in office.
- I guess, because she stands up for education.
- I think she is more interested in the working class than Barack Obama.
- I can’t think of anything right now.
- Well, I think she has a done a good by handling everything in the economy.
- She’s vetoed bills that would hurt the state.
- She has really tried to do the right thing for the people in this state. She’s like Barack Obama with his Senate and House, hasn’t had the cooperation of the people.
- Because she is trying to do what’s best for the individual and doesn’t listen to political party lines.
- Lovely lady.
- North Carolina is pretty stable.
- I think she is for the people. She cares about kids and for education.
- I like her and have seen her speak and feel like she fights for us.
- Because she’s one of the best governors we have had.
- Trying to get money for the schools.
- I think she is a leader. She has stepped up to the plate, believable.
- She seems to be doing pretty good, seeing how the economy is doing.
- She is fighting for what she believes.
- She has consistently held her principles.
- I just feel that she is doing a good job running the state.
- She’s doing her best while Republicans are in charge, and she’s trying to fight with all she’s got.
- She stands by her words.
- There has been some initiative that she started that I agree with.
- She is trying to do a good job. Things are getting in the way.
- She’s doing a good job. She is taking things in the right direction.
- I do not disapprove because she has aggression and is very good. That is why I do.
- She’s trying to make sure the education here in North Carolina is the best.
- I believe she has done a good job.
- She’s got good ideas, and sometimes she carries through with them, but she has a hard fight. We can’t blame her because everything is trickling down from Washington.
- I think she does a good job, and I have no negatives about her. I would say she is doing a good job.
- If he is a Democrat, I would approve.
- She has a plan, and she does things to help the people.
- I think she has done a pretty good job with no help from the state legislature.
- Very considerate.
- She has stood up for education during budget cuts.
- I think the economy is doing better than it was before her.
- As a former teacher, I think that she is doing a good job to keep education in line.
- Seems to be doing a good job.
- Feel like she is doing all she can.
- She is doing the best she can with what she has to work with with. She and the people who work with her can get things done.
- She is overall working for North Carolina.
- I think she is going in the right direction, and that is how I feel about her.
- I agree with the issues that she promotes.
- I think she supports education.
- Because she goes into battle every day. I appreciate her hard work.
- She’s made the right votes. She’s done the right thing. She voted against the anti gay amendment. She had a chance to stand up for what’s right.
- She has great ideas.
- Her stance on education and other issues. Approve of some of the things she is trying to do.
- Good governor. North Carolina.
- What I watch on TV, basically she is for all of us. She works very hard. And I like the things, especially when she is speaking. She helped with the hurricane.
- For the way she handles herself and what she did for FEMA to get here fast as they could.
- She is the governor of the state of North Carolina, and she is out and about with the people, and she is doing a good job.
- She is doing the best she can. And I just approve.
- She cares about the common people and their welfare.
- Well, I have not watched him enough to know to much about him yet.
- More because of what she has been doing since I’ve been here. Just her actions on the hurricanes and tornadoes, how quickly she responded.
- I think that she’s lacking in education. Where is all the lottery money going?
- Well, I think she is well informed, and she is for the good of the people.
- We could have more jobs in North Carolina. Bring the gas prices down a bit.
- She’s tries hard to get things done.
- I think she has her heart in the right place, but she does not have the political machination.
- Because she is a woman.
- I’m somewhat favorable and can’t say strongly favorable cause I’m not.
- I think she’s promoting education.
- She is keeping her word.
- She helps with the infrastructure in my area because the Republicans.
- Trying to bring new jobs to the state.
- Because I feel like she is doing all she can to provide education and jobs. Not really specific information, but she’s reporting that she’s doing things to improve education. Overall feeling of the political system is that it’s broken. Whether Democrat or Republican, nothing gets done.
- I think she has tried to turn around some of the problems with the education in North Carolina and has done a lot to bring industry in North Carolina.
- I lean Democratic.
- Trying to do something with education.
- She is making changes for us in educational and public assistance. Change is slow, but it is coming. I would like to see more jobs being created.
- Her detail with the budget.
- Because of what she is doing. It is good, but she has a long way to go because so many are out of jobs, and little people are struggling.
- She has brought new companies and jobs to North Carolina.
- She’s for elderly people.
- She is a humanitarian.
- She seems to be a woman who tries to stick to her word.
- Because she is trying. She is trying for the better. She is trying to improve the economy.
- She seems to be getting things done.
- Pretty good job. Improvement over the last governor.
- She’s trying to make good decisions against a hostile environment.
- I think she has done a pretty good job holding back things in the legislature. I think she could articulate more, and she has come forward in bringing jobs to the state.
- The population growth is starting to pick up in our county.
- I agree with some of the things she has accomplished in the education field.
- Because Perdue gets my attention a little, and she is a Democrat and agrees with my views.
- She is doing a mediocre job.
- I think that she’s kind of middle of the road and doing a pretty good job.
- I have seen some good she has done, but then I have seen some things she shouldn’t have done.
- Because she has best at heart for people that are affluent.
- She is not focusing on social issues and is focusing on jobs.
- Held the budget.
- I feel that she is working hard to further education and jobs.
- Trying to get things together.
- Because I feel that she actually has brought jobs here. She is working real hard to bring jobs to North Carolina.
- He works hard to fit the needs of people.
- I approve somewhat because I think she has the best interest in the state of North Carolina.
- I can’t think of anything at this moment.
- Because he’s trying to do good things for North Carolina.
- She’s done a fair job of running the state.
- I don’t know if anybody could do any better.
- She is doing the best she can with the schools.
- I think she has good intentions without enough people to help her.
- She is in a tough position with the state of the economy, and she is trying her best.
- Trying to take us in the right direction.
- She is doing the best that she can.
- What she’s up against. I think she’s doing an excellent job.
- She manages to keep her campaign promises and has done good work on the budget deficit and families and against gay marriage.
- Defending tradition, North Carolina values in spite of unconditional North Carolina values.
- She is trying her best.
- Well, she’s less crazy than a lot of other people out there. They are all out to screw you. Bev is less likely to screw me.
- She is my governor.
- I just like your views on a lot of the issues.
- She is heading in the right direction on education.
- I think she is doing good.
- Well, I think she has tried to get things back on track.
- She resisted the legislature’s unrealistic actions, unrealistic laws that take good education from North Carolina.
- Agree with some of her ideas and some do not agree with her.
- She is trying to get jobs and turn around the state. I like how she treats veterans.
- She is at least trying to get things done.
- Not negative feedback of things in North Carolina, and I know of nothing she has done that is negative.
- She is doing a pretty good job.
- I think she is doing the best she can.
- Cutting back on taxes.
- Trying to bring new jobs in the area.
- I like her focus on education.
- I wish I knew more, lack of a better choice.
- She comes across as if she does care for the people.
- Because being a school teacher, she says one thing and does another.
- Because she’s working with a state that lost twenty percent of jobs, and she’s doing her best.
- I approve of the direction she wants to take the state. She is dealing with an opposition party, so her work, her goals are hard to obtain. I support her in the direction.
- She is very strong on education and public safety.
- She is bringing in jobs.
- I think she has great talents. She is conservative.
- She isn’t helping make the economy better.
- Trying to get jobs for North Carolina.
- I think she is doing a good job and cares about people like me.
- Like a lot of things she tried to pass and should stay with education.
- I think she is trying to get jobs for North Carolina.
- She is standing up for the middle class. Difficult time with the legislature.
- She makes a decision and sticks to it.
- I think she is a good leader.
- She is doing the best to create jobs.
- She is a Republican and a Conservative.
- She is pretty competent.
- I think she is doing a good job.
- I don’t approve, but I think she walked into a bad situation, and I think she did the best she could do with what she had to run with.
- She is doing the best she can do.
- I just am finding things are okay here in North Carolina, as far as housing and jobs.
- I think she’s doing the best she can.
- I think she handles several issues pretty well. I think she vetoed the voter identification.
- Trying to bring in new corporations and new jobs.
- She’s great on education.
- I think she has an agenda and is taking action.
- Doing the job as good as she can.
- I think she is making some really tough decisions with regards to the state budget. Really hard decisions in the face of opposition.
- Because she has taken a stand on important issues and action. The state House gives her hard time.
- I think she’s trying to bring the state to a good spot, but with the partisan politics around her, it makes her job harder.
- I believe in what she has done so far with her organizations.
- Well, I think she has or tried to push an agenda that I agree with as far our education and a social agenda.
- She is trying and tells the truth to the people, and she does what she says she will.
- She’s working with schools to the best of her ability. Trying to improve funding since she’s gotten in office. The way things are set up structurally, things won’t get better until things at the top in Washington, DC improve.
- I think she’s trying to cut the budget. I think she’s trying her best.
- Giving it her best.
- Nothing in particular.
- Right now, I am not sure. She is doing fine in general.
- I like that so far she has kept things in control and not been swayed by others’ views.
- It seems like she is trying to bring jobs to North Carolina. She is doing the best under the circumstances. Republicans are only concerned about making money for themselves. They are not for the poor people. And I have been watching the news. No raises on Social Security, and they want to mess with that. Republicans are bringing the country down. Work for us. We gave you the job.
- She is trying.
- Better than the prior governor.
- No particular reason.
- I believe she seems to be straightforward and is for the people of North Carolina. She’s doing her best.
- Education.
- Because she is trying to do what’s best for the people of North Carolina with what she has to work with. I like her stand on education. I approve of the vetoes. She vetoed several bills worthy of being vetoed.
- Well, I think she generally believes in the things I believe in. Well, I think she believes in a woman’s right to choose, and she tried to veto some bills that I disagreed with.
- She trying to get jobs for our area.
- She has put herself out there to fix things for the state.
- I somewhat approve because she has tried to help the magnet schools. She has done well in that department. She cares about education, and I know that jobs are hard, but we are doing better than most states.
- Trying to fund the preschool education.
- I think that some of the things she’s done in education. I approve of what she is doing.
- She is doing a good job, but a lot of issues like health care wasn’t her issue. It was messed up before she got in there. State benefits issue. She could have lied for approval, but you have to be truthful. She said that was the way it was supposed to be. Like the marriage issue. She’s trying to get jobs in for North Carolina.
- She stands up to the Republicans.
- She has a good ideas, and she is working for the people.
- I agree with her on a lot of the issues.
- I think she’s making some good choices.
- She is for education.
- I like the things she is doing with education.
- I don’t know. I just say approve.
- She inherited a disaster, and the legislature has tied her hands.
- She’s helping in your state. She tries to get approval on issues helping people, like in poverty.
- Well, after the hurricanes, I just think they were handled very well or as well as they could possibly do.
- I like the things that she has vetoed out when it comes to some of the things that the legislature wanted to pass.
- Well, I think she is trying to do a good job. She’s not going to do everything that I would like.
- She’s trying to do the best she can. She was given the position with a lot to handle.
- It is hard to be a political figure. She is trying.
- She is doing the best she can.
- She is doing the bet job she can do with what she has.
- She is trying. She has a lot to do.
- Well, she’s done some good for the state, and some things I question her.
- The only way I know how to put it is I feel like she’s doing the best she can. I really don’t have any idea.
- I don’t know. I don’t approve a whole lot of any of them. But I don’t know. I somewhat approve.
- I think she does a good job.
- She is a Democrat.
- Doing her best to get jobs.
- She is doing as well as she can, considering the country being in as bad a shape as it is. She is a real trailblazer.
- I think she wants more jobs. Then again, we haven’t got them yet. That’s the way I am looking at it.
- I think she’s a strong lady and for the people. In general, I think she’s doing okay.
- I think times are tough, and its hard for anyone to do a great job. She has had a lot of bad press lately.
- She is trying to make some changes. She just has too many sons of bitches around her.
- She is trying to do some positive things.
- Because North Carolina is a good state.
- The press conferences. Her views are more in line with his beliefs. Doing a good job.
- She is doing some good things, trying to get jobs.
- A lot of with the school system that she has created.
- I’ve heard more negative comments in the last six months, but our state has some money problems and other problems. She’s done a good job in a very trying time. I’ve been a public servant for a long time, and we all have to pull together to fix things.
- Basically, because she is trying to push for more military.
- She is pushing hard for the people and education.
- I like some of the ideas she has brought forth.
- She’s trying to do her best. Both parties need to work together. She has backbone. She doesn’t back down from them. The Republicans. You have to look out for the people and the teachers.
- She is pretty good and everything. I kind of like what she does, and if she was running over Larry Kissell, I would vote for him.
- I think she’s done a fair job but not a great job cause she favors the Democrats.
- I think she cares for the people that donate for her campaign.
- She’s doing all she can.
- I think she is sensible and trying to actually look at the problems instead of taking sides or ideology.
- Approve of her.
- I honestly don’t know anything about North Carolina state politics. Because it’s in the right direction. I don’t know.
- She has some pretty good issues.
Q26. In your own words, why would you say you disapprove of Bev Perdue?
- She gives money away to places that don’t deserve it.
- She is a Democrat.
- Some things she’s doing is okay, but in other words, she had business with the state. But I don’t know enough to give her a pass card.
- Mainly, she is going too far to the left.
- Lack of strong leadership.
- I’m not pleased with how she’s sent things back to House and Senate and not passed certain things, and spending is out of control.
- She’s made some poor decisions and done some poor things. I don’t think she has done enough for state.
- She spends stupid money.
- I don’t think she is doing a very good job, and then the lottery is for the schools and it was used for something else.
- I’m not happy with some of the things she has done with education.
- I think her policies are not in line with the mainstream.
- Well, I disagree with some of the things she is doing.
- Because she wants to waste taxes, and she’s not trying to create jobs and not accomplishing anything.
- I think she’s way to involved in donors. She should go and get new donors on her own.
- The state has been replacing street signs and traffic signs but have been closing libraries and schools.
- She did recently say they should skip the election, and that’s really off the wall. She is opposed of liquor sales enterprise to be owned by the public, not ABC Boards. She owns it with other politicians. I am opposed of it.
- I just don’t care for some of her comments. Nothing specific.
- Has not done anything to improve the economy.
- Overall regulations which are too much.
- Too many illegal immigrants in North Carolina.
- The economy isn’t improving. The jobs are not enough.
- Some of the things that she should not of vetoed, and I can’t think of anything right offhand that she shouldn’t of vetoed.
- She is spending too much money in the eastern part of the state.
- Well. My opinion is that I just don’t think she is leading us in the right direction.
- Well, I think she isn’t a strong leader, but she needs a little more experience.
- Well, some of the things she spoke about awhile ago, I’m not for it. Her morals and beliefs have changed.
- I believe she is not focused on the current crisis in the state.
- I’m a state employee, and she has been really hard on state employees, and I’m very conservative.
- Because she is not who I voted for.
- Cutting back on teachers’ jobs.
- Just doesn’t seem to be going in the direction I would like it to be going on state issues.
- The few things I have heard about her are not positive.
- I like a man doing that job better than a woman.
- She is not doing her job as governor. She is not working for the people.
- I really and truly thought that she would go in there and do the things that she said she would. Acts like a spoiled child to me, and she has done a lot for the state and a lot against it as well.
- Well, nobody seems to be able to keep state spending under control.
- Because she’s really not trying to help the people around like jobs and the gas prices.
- She’s done some questionable things, hasn’t helped our economy and jobs.
- Not enough is being done job wise.
- Too liberal.
- I don’t think she has helped the farmers all that much.
- I don’t think she is a strong enough leader.
- I don’t know how to put it.
- I did not like her wanting to cut unemployment.
- I think she can do a better job of what she is doing, and she can be better informed.
- Because of her liberal stance.
- I think she is trying but not doing very good.
- I don’t think she is qualified for the job. She doesn’t do good for North Carolina.
- I haven’t heard that much good about her.
- Can’t think of anything.
- There are too many things coming up that can’t be explained.
- She is only worried about her own political future than she is the people of North Carolina.
- Too much government spending. They are wasting it.
- She is too sensational. Needing to believe something that is not true, like how to create jobs in the state.
- Exactly what she has accused her opponents of doing. I think this will come back to haunt her. Accepting money she shouldn’t.
- Lacks real compromise.
- Unwillingness to make moves necessary to get things in our state balanced.
- Making statements that aren’t the best ideas.
- She doesn’t do much for unemployment.
- I feel like she is not doing her job.
- I think she ran on the pro education ticket, yet they keep cutting education, and she has kept up on her promises.
- Too much of a puppet for Obama.
- I don’t think she’s doing enough to bring jobs here.
- A lot of stuff she wants to cut especially for the elderly people and disabled.
- Because she is spending too much money and not doing what she says she is going to do for the people.
- Been unhappy with her education decisions. I’m not pleased with the off the cuff comments she has made, and I haven’t seen any real progress she has made with the state.
- She hasn’t done anything yet.
- I just have some things that I disapprove of.
- Spend happy.
- Because she follows along with Barack Obama. A Democrat.
- Well, there are several things over the past year or so that I disapproved of.
- Not working together.
- I really don’t know.
- I think a lot of issues haven’t been handled properly.
- Because some of the decisions she made on education.
- Taxes in the state. We’re the third highest tax priced state from gas tax to state tax, etc.
- She doesn’t have us going in the right direction.
- When she first started, she was overzealous on her cuts. Now she seems to come around. The cuts were education and Medicaid funding.
- I think that she is willing to go to the more national Democratic party.
- I feel that she does not have a good grasp on spending. Concerns on cuts to education.
- I feel like there are jobs being taken away from North Carolina.
- Not bringing jobs to the state.
- Well, her two vetoes were not well thought of. They were too political.
- Not happy with the way she handles the budget. Not happy with how she handles education.
- I do not agree with the cuts that are being made. Medicaid should not have been cut.
- I am basing my opinion on the way the public school system is being run.
- She’s a tax and spend liberal.
- I just don’t like what she does. She wants the government to take care of everything.
- I just think she doesn’t know what she’s doing.
- For one thing, she favors giving money to her constituents. She’s done some pretty stupid things.
- I feel that she’s pandering. She’s not doing as good as I thought she’d do.
- She doesn’t help the United States.
- She has ruined potential for jobs, and I thought that she would help the teachers. That’s why I voted for her.
- Her misappropriations of funds to cover her debts and her not doing promises made.
- She doesn’t understand what people really want, not a problem solver. Need tax relief.
- Bev Perdue has a tendency to make the decision depending on short term votes.
- I think she’s misrepresenting in her campaigns, and she turned out to be a lot more liberal that she seemed in her campaigns. She needs to support the teachers a lot more.
- The way she is not giving us the jobs and not spending the money wisely.
- Because some of the partisan voting and breaking down the system and not supporting the unions.
- Some of her policies I don’t agree with, and I’ve heard a lot of words and no actions. She’s taking out of one hand and putting in another as far as jobs. If the government is going broke, you can’t create a job. She’s moving money around.
- She is an air head. She does things that are completely out of reason. She follows the Democratic party line. I don’t know how she even got in office.
- Road construction projects that were brought up during the campaigns, attempts to move state retiree funds or borrow against to make up budget shortfalls.
- She is not doing a good job.
- She’s our governor.
- She not a Harvard graduate.
- Our taxes are too high.
- Not a fan.
- I think she is disconnected with the political agenda.
- She is not doing a good job.
- She needs to improve everything. I just don’t like her in general. Done poor as a legislator and a governor.
- She is raising taxes and spending on things that we don’t need.
- She does nothing but make Nascar famous, and that didn’t help us, and she is cutting jobs.
- Not enough funding for the western part of the state.
- She is doing a horrible job. Unemployment rates are too low.
- It’s like she’s not doing anything for North Carolina. Seems like she’s working for Washington, DC.
- She is so obviously corrupt and not doing this for the people.
- She hasn’t done much very big unemployment.
- She’s not conservative. She’s liberal.
- I just don’t think she knows enough about government.
- I don’t like what she has done with our employment issue. When she talks, it seems like she has no idea what she is saying.
- She spends too much money and isn’t doing enough for the state.
- I don’t like what she has done with our unemployment issue. We need a Republican in office. Since we have a Republican Congress, maybe things will get done.
- Her stance on abortion. I don’t agree with liberal issues. I don’t like the way she is trying to bring companies to North Carolina. The jobs are a good thing, though.
- She is a disaster. She is completely unqualified.
- She spends too much money on things like the beltway.
- Just don’t like the direction she has seemingly gone down.
- I don’t think she has done anything for the state. It’s like she hates this section of the state. Things have just gotten worse and worse. They are the worst two governors I have ever seen.
- Really not doing anything for the state.
- Residing the legislature.
- She has gas prices up and the way she is handling education.
- She speaks like an idiot and increases taxes.
- Mainly due to her fondness for sin tax, refusing get government out of alcohol. The money is just wasted.
- The education.
- She said something that never fell through.
- Not conservative enough.
- She hasn’t ever done anything for this state. She’s a liar, and she is more involved with the federal government than state politics and the issues that North Carolina people care about. And her comments on giving away the election. Oh man. That was unbelievable, for a governor to make that kind of comment.
- There was some issues I was concerned about.
- She’s into Obama’s agenda.
- Her mishandling finances.
- She is not working.
- It’s the types of things she passes and the types of things she doesn’t pass. I can’t think of a specific thing right now.
- There has been more negative pop up in the news. And I believe she misuses funds, and she throws money around. Just uses money the way she wants.
- She has not followed through with the programs I approve, and I think in the right direction in the majority that she promotes. Just what I said, everything she promotes I disapprove. She’s to the left. I don’t approve of the way she’s running the state.
- They spend too much money, and they waste too much money.
- I’ll sum it up in two or three words. The roads in the eastern part of the state get finished, and the roads in the western part of the state no one touches. We need to get someone from the western part of the state.
- I don’t think she has done a good job at all.
- She didn’t keep her word.
- I don’t think she doesn’t know what she’s doing.
- I just do.
- I think she is leading the state the wrong way.
- He’s done a bad in my opinion.
- No opinion. I just don’t like her.
- Don’t agree with her policies.
- I don’t like the way she votes. It’s not for the people.
- She’s taken too much out of education. There’s very little of our lottery system that goes towards education. She is just as guilty as Easley was.
- I don’t like the things she has done.
- Have no reasons.
- Not doing anything about the county and jobs and taxes.
- They need to get back to the Constitution, to the basics.
- Extremely difficult to do anything.
- I just don’t like anything about her.
- I feel like she could do more for the people. People’s jobs, their salaries, good morale.
- Jobs.
- She isn’t doing anything to help us.
- Because I think she is Obama’s puppet. The economy. The jobs have been taking overseas.
- All you had to do was watch the news two weeks ago. She wanted to suspend the Constitution for two years. She is a disgrace.
- She brought in an education lottery but is taking it all to use for other forms of education. She’s done nothing but spent taxpayers money. I’m a business owner, and my corporate tax goes up, so I have to pass that along to my employees. If they were lowered, I could hire more people and give more raises, and my products could cost less. I don’t think I should be punished because I took the risks and worked hard to build my company, and now I’m being punished with these increases in taxes. If there’s no risk, then there’s no responsibility.
- I don’t think she has North Carolina’s best interest at heart.
- She has poor leadership and does not listen to the voters.
- I think she’s in over her head and doesn’t have enough experience. We would have been better off with her opponent in the election before.
- I think if she worked a little harder, our state wouldn’t be in the condition that it’s in. She doesn’t do the job, and she doesn’t listen to the people.
- Wife laid off. Don’t care about people.
- Some of the legislation that has been passed I haven’t been in favor.
- I don’t like that she’s making all these trips to China. She just says one thing and does another.
- She is pointing her tactics in the wrong direction to improve the economy.
- It’s just that is my answer. I strongly disapprove.
- Running the state out of business.
- She is too closely tied with our previous governor and Obama and other Democrats.
- She don’t keep her word.
- Well, I just don’t like the way she is going with things. She is going in the wrong direction.
- I think she is corrupt. I think she is dishonest. She made a fool of herself saying we should not have an election in November 2012.
- That she keeps raising cigarette taxes.
- She is raising taxes.
- She lost us a thousand jobs with continental tire.
- Just the laws that she passes. And she does not take care of North Carolina very well.
- I just don’t think she’s doing what she should. I just don’t think she should be our governor. Its just about everything she’s doing I don’t agree with. I don’t like her way of managing people or even giving a speech. She doesn’t seem confident.
- She spends money we don’t have.
- She hasn’t done a very great job. I don’t know anyone who likes her.
- Well, I just don’t like some of her policies. I just don’t care to comment on that.
- Bev Perdue is a political lightweight and espouses views that are not free market. She is much more of a central planner. What the United States and North Carolina economy needs right now is the leadership that will embrace free markets. I am a business owner. I employ over one hundred people, and I am afraid to hire any more and don’t want any more. The reason why is excessive, overreaching regulation that is costly in dollars and my personal liberty. Bev Perdue would have deaf ear to that.
- Bev Perdue hasn’t done what she said she would do, and I don’t think that she has the state in mind.
- For one thing, her policies are totally out of whack. You know the jobs has really been a problem, as far as finding jobs. She’s put out mental health services, you know, and it has really hurt poor people.
- I don’t think she is honest in everything that she does.
- One issue would be her stand on the marriage amendment in the legislature. She is against it. She wants to increase taxes. She is part of the tax and spend political machine that will bring this country to economic ruin.
- Poor job in the education areas. I’m a teacher, and I don’t agree with her.
- I think he could do a better job.
- Not a good leader of the state. Loss of tire company.
- She’s going about getting jobs the wrong way.
- From what I have read lately, I don’t agree with some of the things she has said.
- Has not done anything to create jobs and not willing to work with the state legislature.
- She has not done anything for jobs and the economy.
- She’s too liberal.
- She is very wishy washy, and she has an opinion until she meets with the President and being strong armed and worries about reelection.
- She is a complete liberal progressive just like Barack Obama.
- I haven’t seen any change in what is going on.
- What she has done in connection with state employees. Specifically, our insurance.
- She’s only done a few things right.
- She made changes that I don’t agree with.
- I don’t think she is any more than a figurehead. Public relations spokesperson.
- I just don’t think she knows too much. She is lacking in knowledge.
- She is a hypocrite.
- Plays loyal to people in her party.
- Well, I don’t trust her, and she has done nothing. She is not for the people.
- Her stances has been against the development of business. She also made a comment about the spending election, and the media tried to say she was joking when she was very serious. That upset me that anyone would even suggest that as the leader of our state.
- When you are given an opportunity to do something for the people and all you do is run up and down the state and campaign, you should do something for the people.
- She never thinks before she talks.
- I think she is another Mike Easley. She doesn’t have the best interest of the state in mind with her actions. I think she’s corrupt.
- She has talked out of both sides of her mouth saying one thing and doing another. She shouldn’t have borrowed money from the lotto. It took money from schools.
- She does not do what is best. She goes down the party line.
- Because she has not done anything for the state.
- She is too liberal, not competent.
- She just doesn’t act like she really cares about the people. She cares about nothing but special interests.
- I do not think she is good for the job. Just about everything she has done I am against. Like with the legislature. She is not qualified enough.
- Because she keeps raising our taxes.
- Not impressed with her ability to get anything done.
- I do not feel like she is good for North Carolina.
- What she is doing with the economy, not genuine.
- Because with the way she is dealing with the education system.
- Well, look at the condition the state is in. They are broke, and what is she doing for that.
- I voted for her, but it seems to me she is like Barack Obama and has not been fulfilling her promises.
- She cuts school funding, and the job situation is bad.
- Do not like her.
- Everything she promised has not come to pass. And as a parent and friend of teachers, she’s making it harder for this stare to function.
- Her campaign financing.
- She is supposed to be an educator, but she has really screwed up our education system.
- For one thing, she said she would freeze state hiring, and she just hired five hundred people. There are too many new agencies and czars.
- I don’t think she’s doing much to help our state.
- She is taking the state the same way Obama is. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
- Didn’t fire crooked highway patrol officers.
- Because I don’t believe she is doing the job.
- The way she’s running things.
- Not producing jobs.
- State layoff.
- Think the national spotlight is off for two years, and North Carolina is not being focused on. Dislikes the negative press that she is bringing in.
- She didn’t keep her word.
- Because a lot of things that she could do better she’s not doing. When the storms came through and our food got messed up, she disapproved us of receiving emergency food stamps.
- I think she is too liberal.
- She hasn’t been a very effective leader.
- I do not approve of Bev Perdue because of her education cuts. She doesn’t follow through on a lot of things.
- Not a strong enough leader, and I don’t think she has enough gumption to stand up to people.
- Bev likes to speak out of both sides of her mouth. She doesn’t know how to handle the budget and tighten her belt. She doesn’t know how to regulate the taxes with the businesses. Some business just can’t survive the taxes and the health insurance requirements that the government wants.
- Comments that don’t represent the people of the state.
- I just think she is uneducated.
- She cut the school money and took money from teacher’s salaries.
- I do not. Believe me, she doesn’t do anything. She promised but not fulfilled.
- She’s too much with Barack Obama. She should let us drill for oil. She’s not bringing enough jobs to the state.
- I don’t appreciate her saying we should hold off on elections so Congress can get something done. She said we should hold off on congressional elections so Congress can accomplish something. I don’t like her policies on taxes.
- She said something about suspending elections.
- She took the money out of the schools.
- She is taking away from the poor.
- She didn’t do anything to help teachers.
- I think she is way too liberal to be a governor of North Carolina.
- Well, she is too liberal. I don’t care for her, and I don’t even buy Perdue chicken.
Ms. Perdue seems to think that the voters of NC are incompetent and unable to make good decisions so she believes that we (the voters) need to give up our civic responsibility of voting.
She spends way too much money and functions more like the US Congress…spends money that we do not have. Fortunately the NC Congress has had a bi-lateral support to over ride at least some of her veto signatures.
Ms. Perdue has done a lot in at attempt to bankrupt future generations of North Carolinians. It is time for her to go.
well, after reading all the comments, it shows that many people here don’t really follow the issues.
a good question would be what the people want for the state. then divide the answers by the people that vote and pay taxes from the people that vote and do not pay taxes!!!
These responses show you how many people cannot judge political performance. She is arrogant, and only came into office because she rode the coat tails of Obama.
If Perdue was the best choice candidate that Basnight approved
of, then the (D) party of NC is worthless. What an utter waste of a vote.
@Julie, the majority of voters in NC are incompetent. The election of Happy Perdue and the OccuRard in the WH and the responses to Q25 prove it!
I don’t care for her at all,she say’s she is pro choice,yet she doesn’t want to give women all the fact’s about abortion,she lost that battle,thank god republicans are in there to stop her or she would vote far left,that’s just one thing,the unemployment benefit ordeal,she waited 7 week’s to do anything about it I could go on and on,I hope she is out next time around,way too left for me
Based upon comparing the responses in the article to the COMMENTS, I think I smell a rat. Who picked the responders for the article? Must have been the DEMORAT party of NC.
It sounds like a set up where you have no choice but to indicate support for her. I think she has done a lousy job! fjh
Perdue has an agenda, but it is not jobs! I have listened to her on a couple of occasions, but try to avoid her now. She talks about creating jobs, but focusses on big government and very socialistic type programs. What she needs to do is get out of the way and stop driving jobs out of the State, which is what all of her actions are doing. Thanks goodness that the both parties recognize this and continue to override her Veto’s!
Perdue is a blundering idiot and her advisors must be Harry, Curly and Moe. Thank God we have a NC Congress that will stand up to her; otherwise, she would spend more of the taxpayer’s money sending us deeper into debt, making more obama false promises of stimulus, hope and change while increase taxes to supporting her folly. As a retired person, this makes me think of one thing: move to another State where the leadership is more responsible to the taxpayers.
I can’t believe the blundering moronic asshats that we have to call neighbors. This is truly scary – these are people with contempt for basic intelligence – yet they never fail to find their way to the voting booth to get more “goodies” for their worthless and lazy selves. These have to be the best comments:
-“If he is a Democrat, I would approve.”
-“I like her as a Democrat. Help creating jobs.”
-“Because she is a woman.”
-“What I watch on TV, basically she is for all of us. She works very hard. And I like the things, especially when she is speaking. She helped with the hurricane.”
-“Well, I have not watched him enough to know to much about him yet.”
God help us all…
I see our Gov as a left-leaning-lemming who follows the National Democratic script to a “T”.
I like the comment above where those who pay taxes should have the privilege to vote. Way too many people “on the dole” in NC. Of course they are going to vote for whoever will keep their freebies coming. Also NC is a sanctuary state for illegals, who work for less, and help drive DOWN wages. I’ve even seen them working for the state. Purdue is a socialist and I certainly did NOT vote for her.
North Carolina has too many Democrats (yellow dog at that) who do not understand that this is no longer the Democratic Party. This is the Socialist/Progressive party that owes huge money to the unions.
North Carolina and any other state does not have the consent of the taxpayer(s) to decide who gets what money and from whom. The idea that one pays a state tax every year on something one owns is a great example (I need a truck twice a year but to get one, I am obligated to pay a “personal property tax” plus all the other vehicle related “taxes”. Since the Legislature has been Democratic for so many years prior to this, we have had a huge increase in taxes and the Republican dominated house now should abolish these inhibiting taxes.
B. Perdue?….just another progressive costing we, the taxpayer unjustified much too much money to support the parasitical facet of our state.
I scanned most of the comments and what I saw didn’t surprise me. At least 4 comments to Q25 referred to Perdue as “he”. Duh! Two more comments to Q25/26 were that she wanted to lower unemployment and they didn’t like that. Who in their right mind is against lowering unemployment. Beware! They live among us and they vote.
Based on the comments, pros and cons, it is both obvious that we have a wide range of opinions of her, and second that many voters have NO clue what she represents. What does seem to be clear is that this Governor is most like a clone of Obama, using sound bites about “supporting” education (and who doesn’t; wants more jobs for NC (who doesn’t?); supports teachers (the good, the bad, and the ugly); thins raising taxes is the answer (as all Liberals think); and somehow under the impression that if we “suspend” the 2012 Congressional Elections, that those currently holding the power, not only have our best interest at heart, but also are more qualified that the “ones” …we the people chose to elect. Now you decide!
we are in trouble
After reading the positive comments regarding Gov. Perdue, I have come to the conclusion the NC voters need a lot of education. This education should encompass sentence structure. Perhaps money is not the problem in education. Rather., it lies with a system of teacher education that makes no demands in the area of content knowledge.It also has a great deal to do with the casting aside of an academic education with rigor in favor of a social one. We are seeing the results of the “self-esteem movement” on television every day. The problem is that virtually no one in the “Occupy” crowds has one iota of self-discipline or self-respect. We have held students hands and told them how sweet and smart and cute they are but have demanded nothing from them. It is time to end teaching certificates as a road to the classroom. We would be much better off doing away with co-education (a major distraction) and seeking people whose academic major was in the diciplines that need to be taught.
Perdue reminds me of Pavlov’s dog. Every time Obama rings his bell she salivates. Not good for NC. We need a conservative at the helm of the ship, not a liberal Washington centered Obama worshipper.
Faith, I agree 100 percent with your comment… if we could only get the democrats to understand that it is no longer their old grand-dads party, but a socialist party that is out to take over the lower classes first by giving them everything free , then forcing their agenda on all americans through making us all financially equal and in debt to the government..total maxism with Obama as our dictator..Perdue and her buddy must go in 2012..The american way of life depends on it… GOD BLESS AMERICA..
I am also in total agreement with Faith. The “Wealth Tax” is disgusting. First, it is applied only to motorized transports – cars, trucks, boars, RV’s etc., as these have to be registered and so the State is able to keep track of them. Secondly, many people have multiple vehicles because they “collect” or “chose’ to spend their (already) taxed income that way, as opposed to buying a diamond, or going on a trip around the world etc. How come I pay every year for my transport purchase, but those that spend their “wealth” on travel, or jewelry only pay once? Third, the money spent on vacations etc., actuaslly take money out of the State economy as the majority of dollars are spent abroad or in other states. Lastly, we are taxed enough already for road maintenance through licences, gas taxes etc., so why are we taxed multiple times on the same income dollar? Please do not tell me that it is to maintain the roads – I can only drive one vehicle at a time! I register my objection each year by writing the words “Property Theft Tax by NC Government” on memo line of every check I write when paying this impost.
Oh, thats rich, people on here say she has an agenda other than jobs, when Republicans have been passing bills to infringe on personal liberties such as gay and abortion rights. How does that create jobs? The main reason that she has my vote in 2012 is she has now become the only safe guard against the Republican’s nutty and backwards agenda.
Oust the teabaggers in 2012!!! NCGA included!