Business leaders complain the North Carolina unemployment system needs to be completely changed so people are encouraged to train and work. A Civitas Institute video report examines the tangled system.
The state is in debt to the federal government to the tune of $2.6 billion for loans to keep unemployment benefits flowing. Over $500 million of those benefits were improper overpayments. Matt Willoughby begins a series of reports on the unemployment system and some things you probably don’t know about it.
The first report deals with the magnitude of the problem with lawmakers grilling the head of the new Division of Employment Security.
Here are three files out of that same meeting. First, Rep. Dale Folwell (R-Forsyth) asks Lynn Holmes about the unemployment benefits card and then turns to Commerce Secretary Keith Crisco about the uncertainty surrounding the insolvency of the unemployment fund.
Here is a longer version of the Lynn Holmes talking about the overpayments and almost proud the overpayment rate was lower than other states.
Sen. Bob Rucho (R-Mecklenburg) was clearly frustrated with what he saw as a lack of cooperation from Holmes since the huge federal debt came to light in 2010.
Thanks for the post. On a radio show today, Sen. McKissick implied that the tough questions were out of racism. Clearly, the questions were warranted. Incompetence, on Holmes’ watch or not, should not be tolerated. This may be why Employment Security was taken out of Commerce – led by political appointments- was put under Revenue- led by elected officials.