You missed the point on citizens being required to buy energy that is renewable. The fact of the matter is the entire thing is a scheme founded to provide state employee pension funds and AFLCIO pension funds with a guaranteed return by fronting the money for solar and wind power.
The oil companies do not want union money involved with their investments in producing fossil fuel with pension funds which required union workers to be employed in fossil fuel investment . This has made it impossible for pensions funds to be invested in this profitable endeavor. The answer for unions investors is to invent a way of getting guaranteed return on their investment.
Beverly Purdue is directly responsible for this nonsense as she is a socialist just like all democrats.
The above is the reason why the pipeline from Canada is being tabled. No union money no union employment equals no pipeline.
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You missed the point on citizens being required to buy energy that is renewable. The fact of the matter is the entire thing is a scheme founded to provide state employee pension funds and AFLCIO pension funds with a guaranteed return by fronting the money for solar and wind power.
The oil companies do not want union money involved with their investments in producing fossil fuel with pension funds which required union workers to be employed in fossil fuel investment . This has made it impossible for pensions funds to be invested in this profitable endeavor. The answer for unions investors is to invent a way of getting guaranteed return on their investment.
Beverly Purdue is directly responsible for this nonsense as she is a socialist just like all democrats.
The above is the reason why the pipeline from Canada is being tabled. No union money no union employment equals no pipeline.