There has been much discussion regarding the “Moral Monday” protesters and whether they are “representative” of North Carolina. This week’s quiz will test your knowledge of the demographic information of the protestors who have been arrested.
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All answers taken from the Civitas Institute’s database on the Moral Monday protestors.
it should not be surprising that a large percentage of protesters are from Orange County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro Many without transportation or many who work cannot get to Raleigh for 5 PM protests.
But what is significant is that they are all from North Carolina, not outside agitators as you first claimed.
Even those who work in the state buildings cannot get there until 6.
Yes, a significant percentage of attendees are older than 55. Not only are the new laws impacting them, they have the time to get to the protests as many are retired.
State employees have a higher than average income as they do not work for minimum wage–or less. The average includes all who work for low wages.
Our state legislators are public employees. How much are they paid?
That a disproportionate number of protesters are white only shows that many others cannot attend for financial reasons, lack of transportation, or just are fearful or retribution.
I see you have nothing to say about the expose of Civitas staff that appeared in the Camel City Dispatch.
This smacks of desperation. You can continue to play to your base and try to incite violence and try to belittle the protests, but they are true protests from the voters–not contrived protests like AFP. And as true protests, they will continue as we do not need to be paid to be there.
Violence. The TEA Party movement is about government being too big and liberty. You race baiters like Barber want an element of violence or even a racist word, but we don’t, we haven’t and we won’t. Your relevance just like Sharptons among truth seekers with a small amount of information is diminishing due to reverse racism that has come to light. Barbers scamming taxpayers needs to end, I know Soros and other Obama money piles will kick in his agitation race machine. There are enough pointy headed professor libs settled in the Orange/Wake region to keep numbers for your side. NC is tired of 120 yr democrat waste and tax