The online dictionary defines “pork barrel” spending as “a government appropriation, bill, or policy that supplies funds for local improvements designed to ingratiate legislators with their constituents.”
This week’s Bad Bill of the Week certainly meets that definition. Senate Bill 862 Wayne Regional Research & Education Agricultural Center Funds, sponsored by Sens. Don Davis (D-Wayne) and Louis Pate (R-Wayne), would appropriate $3 million in state taxpayer funds for a local facility.
In a classic case of politicians wanting to “bring home the bacon,” this bill would direct state taxpayer dollars to help pay for the design and construction of a “proposed 60,000-square-foot ‘Green Facility,’” that is estimated to cost more than $11 million. Local governments and the Golden LEAF foundation are also slated to help fund the facility that would ultimately be owned by Wayne County.
So in this case, state taxpayers would be funding a portion of a local facility that would be owned by a local government. And the facility would just happen to be located in the home district of the two primary sponsors of the bill.
How this could be construed as anything other than pork spending, given it uses state tax dollars to fund a project with the word “regional” in its name, defies explanation.
Because it would direct millions in state taxpayer dollars to a local pork project, SB 862 is this week’s Bad Bill of the Week.
Is this another case of the Conservative Republican NCGA lacking vision? Would this group of flat earth Republicans have killed the Raleigh Durham Research Triangle project nearly five decades ago? Is tax cuts for the rich the limit of GOP thinking and vision?
What could the long term benefits of this project be for living wage jobs and clean energy in NC?
Isn’t this the original mission of the Golden Leaf Foundation?
Below is the wording of the Bill.
Whereas, the Regional Research and Education Agricultural Center to be located in Wayne County will serve as a valuable resource for the agribusiness community in Central and Eastern North Carolina; and
Whereas, the Wayne Regional Research and Education Agricultural Center will address the business of agriculture; promote the importance of agriculture; provide a single, convenient location for effective delivery of agriculture-related services; provide a venue for consumer, agriculture-community, and agribusiness education; and will be environmentally unique in its design; and
Whereas, the Wayne Regional Research and Education Agricultural Center will accommodate and house the following entities: the North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, the Farm Service Agency, the Division of Soil and Water Conservation of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, the administration of the Cherry Farm Unit, and the Center for Environmental Farming Systems, which serves North Carolina State University, North Carolina A & T State University, the area office of the federal Natural Resources Conservation Service, and the regional offices of the United States Department of Agriculture; and
Whereas, the Wayne Regional Research and Education Agricultural Center will have a positive impact on the economy through biotechnical opportunities, bringing resources to the region, serving the farm community, and creating a value-added incubator center for the farm community; will develop and promote alternative agriculture; will create educational and research opportunities; and will develop a collaborative effort and relationship with Wayne Community College and the University of Mount Olive Agribusiness Center; and
Whereas, agriculture represents more than two billion dollars in farm receipts in the six surrounding counties, including Wayne County; and
Whereas, the Wayne Regional Research and Education Agricultural Center, a proposed 60,000-square-foot “Green Facility,” is estimated to cost eleven million five hundred thousand dollars, and the local government and community will seek funding from various sources from, but not limited to, the State of North Carolina, the Golden Leaf Foundation, and local governments to construct the Center, with Wayne County retaining ownership and being responsible for future operational costs of the facility; Now, therefore,
The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
General Assembly of North Carolina Session 2013
SECTION 1. There is appropriated from the General Fund to Wayne County the sum of three million dollars ($3,000,000) for the 2014-2015 fiscal year for the capital costs of the proposed Wayne Regional Research and Education Agricultural Center as follows:
(1) To design and develop schematic drawings and plans for the Wayne Regional Research and Education Agricultural Center facility.
(2) To construct the Wayne Regional Research and Education Agricultural Center.”
Lonnie,You ask the question,”What could the long term benefits of this project be for living wage jobs and clean energy.”A very good question that neither you nor I know.That’s how we got 17 Trillion in debt.Look at the 100’s of Billions down a rat hole to solar and wind companies started by Obama’s campaign supporters.Crony capitalism is the only kind Of Capitalism Lonnie and Obama like.If a private person starts a company with his own money they want to regulate and tax them out of business.If the Government is involved they are all for it.This is the very definition of Communism.Who would be paying the salaries of these people?I think we all probably know the answer to that.
Do you realize how much private payroll is generated from the Research Triangle investment more than five decades ago?
What’s consistent here is the small minded thinking of conservatives saying no to vision, no to ideas and no to opportunity.
Lonnie,No I don’t know how much the Triangle has done,and neither do you.Here is a list of Obama backers companies that have gone bankrupt taking mine and other taxpayers money with them.
A123 249 million
Sunpower 1.2 Billion
First Solar 1.46 Billion
Abound Solar 400 million
Solandera 535 million
Fisher Auto 529 million
There are over 50 of these losers that went to Obamas friends.Please tell me you are not stupid enough to think this good public policy,nor is this a way to increase jobs.You just want Gov. Jobs because they can pay the employees any inflated amount they please.Gov.doesnt care whether they make a profit.Thats why we are so far in debt.
Larry, The Chinese see solar as the future energy source of the world and are subsidizing the Chinese corporations with slave labor, very low wages and government research.
Do we give them all of this knowledge without competition?
What the conservative answer more coal and oil?
Larry, What did that last war for the oil in Iraq cost?
Lonnie,Good thing you are not in business,you wouldn’t last a month the way you think.How anybody could think us financing Obama’s money men is good for anybody except the crooks is beyond any rational thought.The Chinese bought some of these companies for pennies on the dollar when they went bankrupt.How stupid is that?We are using just as much oil as ever.For some reason you people don’t want us to use our own oil.
You need to travel more, wind and solar are here to stay. I was just out in Texas this spring and the highways and motels are full of wind energy installation and maintenance workers. Last year I was in the Netherlands and saw the future, bikes, trams, buses light rail and boats with major wind energy installation at sea.
I meant to post this link of photos I took in Texas.
Lonnie,Yeah solar is here to stay.What are we up to on alternate energy.2 %? I have seen the ones in the West.I have also seen wind farms in Texas and California.If we had enough of those of those things we wouldn’t have a bird left in the U.S.Most of the Solar that was planned to be built has been stopped by one of your left wing buddies,because there was some rat or snake there.It takes a real loon that wants to kill the unborn but save the rats.
Lonnie,I forgot about wind energy at sea.We were going to have that here,but Teddy Kennedy said it was in his view.That’s what I love about Libs,they want all this wonderful green crap,just not in their backyard.They also only want it if somebody else pays for it.
Ted Kennedy died in 2009.
What’s the conservative plan continue destroying mountain tops, and spewing greenhouse gases, polluting the air, streams, continue increasing global warming? The GOP is supported by extreme right wing sugar daddies who own most of the nation’s oil refineries, The Koch brothers and the defense industry who profit from war for oil. What better ideas do conservatives have? The liberal ideas are to move the country to more sustainable conservative of energy with high speed rail, rebuild America’s cites with bike paths, light rail and pedestrian friendly cities and towns, powered with solar installed in roadways, parking lots, and rooftops. This could be a 50 year project of living wage jobs rebuilding America.
Lonnie,what does when Teddy died have to do with anything.When you nuts stop driving,heating and cooling your houses,using your computer all day to tell everybody else how to live,I might believe your Climate Change crap.We know the world has been a lot warmer in the past.We know oceans were a lot higher than they are now.Most of the west was covered by water.Go east of charlotte a few miles and you hit sand.Know where that sand came from,Lonnie?Here is a clue,it did not come from dinosaurs riding around in Hummers?This crap was dreamed up by the Soros types to start Cap and trade to get rich.Al gore has made millions on speeches to Goobers that believe anything these Left wingers tell them.
I love how you represent today’s Republican base voter, misinformed, anti science, anti knowledge, anti clean air, anti clean drinking and recreational water, anti public schools, anti infrastructure, anti justice, anti quality food in school lunch programs anti social safety net. GOP=Grumpy Old People
Lonnie,The reason I’am Grumpy is there are so many people like you that I have to keep up.Without victims and people that are dependent there is no reason for the Democratic Party.If they can’t be told that the bogey man is taking advantage of them,the Democrats have no message.Only morons in the Democratic Party come up with that clean air and water junk.Conservatives can’t wait to drink dirty water.Do you not know how stupid that sounds?As for infrastructure,would that be some of Obama’s shovel ready jobs?He finally admitted there are no such thing as shovel ready.But look at all the Goobers that bought that B.S.I’am not mentioning any names.The only thing I’am Anti anything on is waste.Only people like you believe everything the Democrats have spent the last 6 years is a good thing.No waste in that 7 Trillion dollars,huh?
Do you remember those two wars started under the last administration with no exit strategy? Remember the economy crashing, banks failing and the 2/3 of American auto industry facing bankruptcy? I guess Fox failed to cover that or blamed it on Obama .
I know what Obama’s exit strategy is.Leave and let the crazy Muslims take over half of Iraq.I have a great idea on energy though.Everybody that thinks climate change is B.S.has no change in the way they live.The Dufus Democrats will have a special meter that only has wind or solar power coming into your house.If you car isn’t battery powered you can’t drive.I think this would settle this argument for ever about January when all the idiots freeze to death.Two thirds of everything is close to bankruptcy since Obamba.Obama spent 5 years blaming everything on Bush,until even the Democrat press started laughing at him.
Where you under the impression Iraq was a majority Christian nation at any point in history?
If you had your way,the U.S. would be Muslim.Your President has quite a few in the White House with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.You aren’t one of the Brotherhood are you,Lonnie?
You’re ranting without any sort of thinking, pull your thoughts together and make an intelligent thoughtful argument.
Remember your opinions and myths are not facts.
Was 911 a myth?Was it a myth that Obama’s father was a communist and a Muslim.His step father was a Muslim,was that a myth?His Maternal grandparents were members of the Communist party.A myth?You stay on those Obama is the Messiah web sites so much you are clueless.If you think these facts are my opinion,you are a bigger idiot than I thought.Do some research on Muslims in the White House then tell me how smart you are.
There seems to be a lot of religious bigotry and ignorance in your last comment.
Is it your belief Muslims have less rights as American citizens or as human being?
Muslims have been in the Midwest sense 1880s.
Tell that to the thousands of Christians and Jews that are being killed all over the world as I write this.They would cut your throat in a second unless you are one.You are a pitiful excuse for an American Citizen.
Conservatives vote their fears Liberals vote their hopes.
Most of your information is coming from special interest groups wanting to exploit your fears, myths and bigotry.
Nearly half the world is Muslim we need to respect and learn to get along with each other not exploit fear, mistrust and revenge.
Is it your belief Muslims have less rights as American citizens or as human being?
Do you have a brain tumor?Where are these Muslims you think you can get along with?Iraq?Somilia?Egypt?Libya?Even in this country do you see any Muslims speaking out against the Terrorists?You won’t either.I guess you never heard of the Trojan Horse.
Get your head out of the sand.While you are voicing your liberal hope,you better hope they don’t chop your head off.Where you on one of your idiot websites when they bombed the Boston Marathon?
I hope the FBI has an eye on you.
See, this is the fear over powering logic I’m referring to. Every year the United States faces spring and fall tornados killing hundreds with massive property damage, hurricanes do the same, traffic accident kill tens of thousands each year, gun nuts with careless use and storage of guns kill thousands each year and we don’t panic. Fear is the weapon of terrorist not explosive devices stop helping them spread fear.
if you don’t let those people in the country you won’t have fear.What logic is there to letting thousands of religious maniacs to come in to this country.They have said they want to kill us all.Do you have any Common Sense at all?Sorry,that was a stupid question.You have already proved that.
Sorry but you have lost me?
Islamic communities have been part of the American fabric from the beginning.
Here’re is some information on that history.
You never answered my question.
Is it your belief Muslims have less rights as American citizens or as human being?
Do you know how there are so many Muslims.Because,every country where they become a majority they kill everybody that doesn’t want to be one.Why should I answer your stupid question?I think you know the answer.Do you have a right to be a human being in any Muslim country?Does an Anti-American like you deserve to be here?
I’m very pro American and actually believe in religious freedom in America. I believe the ideas of American freedom and liberty extends to more than white, fundamentalist Christian, right wing Republican, heterosexual, male, property owners.
What I don’t believe in is making public policy based on fear, ignorance, stereotypes,revenge and injustice.
Snow White,Superman,and Pinnocchio were walking along.They see a sign.It reads”Contest for most beautiful woman.”She goes in,comes out smiling and wearing a crown.They walk along and see a sign “Contest for strongest man.”Superman goes in,later comes out smiling and wearing a belt.They walk along and see a sign “Contest for World’s biggest liar.Pinnocchio goes in,later comes out crying and asking,Who the heck is LONNIE WEBSTER?