Roy Cooper has announced his intention to expand Medicaid by executive action. Expanding medicaid is not only illegal under existing state law, but is bad policy for the health of the truly needy.
North Carolina law states:
“No department, agency, or institution of this State shall attempt to expand the Medicaid eligibility standards provided in S.L. 2011-145, as amended, or elsewhere in State law, unless directed to do so by the General Assembly.”
Even worse, Medicaid expansion in NC would soon cost taxpayers $600 million per year, with more than 80% of this new entitlement going to able-bodied adults (mostly men), not children.
Expansion would cost NC thousands of jobs and force people into an over-crowded program that already produces poor health outcomes. The truly needy would suffer from crowding out caused by the flood of new enrollees.
In taking this action, Roy Cooper is violating state law and disregarding the taxpayers of North Carolina.
Tell Cooper: Follow the Law – No Medicaid Expansion!
Please read the research from the Mercatus Center!
I am retired and I along with other North Carolina people file taxes we don’t get no breaks from taxes as Mr.Cooper promised when he was running for Governor but now he wants us taxe payers to pay for these lazy bums to get medicaid and they will never get jobs with all the free stuff going out to them I as a tax payer have to pay for insurance so why can these free loaders not do the same ?
Mr. Cooper , Did you not just recently swear on the Bible to protect the constitution of our great state and enforce the laws of our state?
Ray Cooper has the ‘Obama complex’ that must be continuously nipped in the bud. He is not worthy of is position and is nothing but leftover Sleazely compost still rotting in the progressive agenda.
Cooper lies. Period
He never did the job he was sworn tondonunder mccrory. He is a left wing, tax living liar.
He lied during the campaign about mccrory, and is pathological.
I dislike this weasel, his methods, and the people that lied along with him.
He is beneath getting any respectnir acknowledgement from me.
FYI. Sorry for the typos. Fat fingers and auto correct.
Republicans continue to crow about their “accomplisment”, to wit,”NC Medicaid’s been in the black for the last 3 years.”
Left unsaid is the fact that a sharp decline in physician reimbursements contributed mightily.
Expanding a failed medical program with a decreasing pool of willing providers is NOT a credible solution.
Coverage does not equate to access!
Why don’t you help us who worked our whole life and see that we get a raise on our Social Security check instead of when we do it goes to our health insurance instead of to the government to be given to free loaders. I don’t unterstand why you won’t help us, the Seniors.
He wants to start out by breaking the law. so start the impeachment process.
Still a mystery to me how NC citizens could have voted for Trump at the federal level and Cooper at the state level. However, I am not surprised at Cooper’s maneuver and him using his office as a dictator would….have come to expect this from the Dems. What I would like to see is for the Repubs to “get it” and realize this is going to be the way Cooper will try to get things done. They need to shine the sunlight on this every day in a unified, public, and forceful way…………and not let up until Cooper and his supporters are decidedly on the defensive. We will see.
Govenor Goober will hopefully be slapped down every time he pretends to be his hero, B. Hussein Obama. If the little man runs the Governor’s office like he did the AG’s, he’s already the worst governor ever.
I have served in elected office several times and I took an oath that I would uphold all laws that I took very seriously whether I agreed with them or not. Roy Cooper lost my respect as AG when he failed his oath of office and he has started out as Governor the same way. He is a crook.
Medicaid expansion has worked very well in the 30 states smart enough to accept it. Meanwhile NC citizens pay federal tax dollars that benefit those programs while NC gets nothing. Not smart? Ask the Kentucky coal miners suffering from black lung disease if they would rather have or do without this coverage that has benifitted them so much. 500,000 North Carolinians could be covered by Medicaid expansion and it would bring millions of health care dollars to our state. This is idealogical nonsense.
Cooper is a creepy caricature of a zealot who will violate everyone’s liberty to achieve his progressive agenda. He’s on the road to impeachment!
Wow! those bold red letters are impressive! I guess the words and arguments are not strong enough!
Medicaid Expansion was a requirement to take the “free money” as our Dept. of Insurance described the federal funds…to develop the State Obamacare Exchange (IT site development). NC wisely opted out. The Medicaid Expansion included a federally funded program to expand the coverage to 138% of poverty level. Of course it worked well in the first three years as the feds paid for it…. but when the federal funds ended as was part of the HHS design, it nearly bankrupted states; the states were on their own to cover the approximate 30% increase in Medicaid participation. Minnesota was one of the darlings of HHS in their response for 2014 as they signed on for the Medicaid Expansion; then in 2016 their very liberal governor declared Obamacare is dead, certainly not affordable and the state was in debt for the program. Am I missing something here….or is this another ruse to hire political hacks, creating new jobs under this Medicaid Expansion for his supporters at our expense…Cooper should be impeached if he tries to accept Medicaid Expansion.
I sincerely hope that Medicaid is not expanded…….I have seen much fraud in my years in the medical field. Require all to work via a work program. Do not allow couples to procreate, and not be married and working. We are handing out too much, and not requiring these people to help themselves get off Medicaid. Raise the bar on availability of freebies. If they can smoke, drink, hang out, they can work, and they can learn by setting their priorities straight.
Coop Cooper was a high school football star, the winner of the Morehead Scholarship, and generally a nice guy in high school. I don’t know if going to UNC is what changed him into the liberal he is today, but something sure happened. I knew him as a nice Christian young man, now he is ok with perverts using the same restrooms as myself and other females, he is ok with women killing their pre-born babies, he is ok with keeping the poor poor by giving them handouts so they see no reason to get a,job. The honest hard-working people of this state need to stand up and tell Coop we aren’t going to sit back and watch him take us back 29+ years just to make the high rollers who backed him happy.
I have seen the voter fraud in this state for the last 15 years! Every time I have gone to vote I saw some one that was voting but something was wrong. They were reading a note to tell them the name of the person they were voting as! I saw it in all but the election primary in 2016 with the voter ID law in place! Durham have extra time after the polls closed is where a lot of Cooper’s votes came from because the Dems thought they had the POTUS in the bag they did not take the time to vote Hillary in NC. What a laugh!!! LIBTARDS just sit down!
I’m not sure who does your math, but the national cost annually for Medicaid per-person is $6,800. With the Federal government paying 95% of that cost in transfers to the states, and about 500,000 people to cover, that means NC would receive an additional $3.23 Billion per year and then have to cover $170 Million with state funds. Saving peoples’ lives notwithstanding, surely the positive economic impact of healthier citizens will deliver more than $170M in incremental productivity.
You are a sad, hateful bunch. We’ve made it impossible for people to survive, much less succeed, while working full time jobs at minimum wage. Then you want to deny healthcare to them…your neighbors, your colleagues. No one is getting a free ride, people. Medicaid is full of veterans and minimum wage employees, not freeloaders. How will you feel when people are literally dying in the street because they can’t afford a doctor or their sky-high prescriptions? Will that be OK with you? Because it’s happening now, and it’s about to get a lot worse. I weep for what we’ve become.
Maggie, NCCivtas is not concern with reality…only ideology.
Thank you Cooper for caring enough about the poor and those in the insurance coverage gap to realize the need to push for medicaid expansion. I encourage you to continue to advocate toward a society where access to free basic healthcare is a fundamental human right.