Today, the Daily Caller is reporting that “notable male feminist” and HuffPost blogger Charles Clymer has claimed Sen. Ted Cruz’s awkward effort to hug and kiss his uninterested daughter is an example of “rape culture.”
This is appalling for many reasons. I will list a few of them below.
- Media bias, anyone? It is worth noting that there have been several awkward moments of forced affection caught by cameras from people like President Obama and Joe Biden (who forces affection on complete strangers.) But the media does not refer to this as “rape culture.”
- Whether or not you believe “rape culture” is a reality, this is not it. Referring to an awkward moment between a father and daughter as having anything to do with “rape” truly undermines the real rape problem in our culture.
- This proves how out of touch liberal progressives are with parents and children. Any parent will tell you that kids throw tantrums, huff and puff when they don’t get their way, or are simply grumpy, on a regular basis.
- Charles Clymer has no right to call himself a “feminist.” He has no idea what it is truly like to be a woman in today’s culture. As a woman, I am disgusted and furious that Clymer would point to a father trying to show affection to his daughter as indicative of anything negative. I only wish there were more affectionate fathers in this world, but alas, there are too few.
Once again the liberal media have proven themselves to be biased, poisonous, and out of touch. When you refer to a father hugging his daughter as anything in the general vicinity of “rape,” that is indeed the lowest of lows.
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