Earlier this week, the Charlotte City Council chose to step on the rights of business owners and ignore the voices of concerned citizens by passing an ordinance that would require businesses to give special accommodations to individuals based on their self-perceived sexual orientation.
Sexual orientation is a mutable characteristic. It changes as often as a person sees fit. Granting special accommodation to anyone on this basis is a grave mistake. Reasonable critics fear increased cases of sexual assault, even strange cases like this one. A man disguised as a woman was able to go into a women’s restroom and set up a camera to secretly film unsuspecting women. Charges have now been filed.
You can expect more cases like this when you open the door for unscrupulous individuals to take advantage of what the naive call “anti-discrimination” laws. And the people of Charlotte agree. According to Kami Mueller with Don’t Do It Charlotte, a petition with over 22,000 signatures as well as 265,000 individual emails were sent to the City Council to urge them to vote against the ordinance.
Furthermore, the ordinance itself clashes with existing state law as detailed in Matt Caulder’s article here. And the city of Charlotte cannot take it upon itself to create protected classes.
As Civitas President Francis De Lucas said in a statement:
“The City Council has overstepped its boundaries. City Council members do not have the right to create protected classes. This is not a question of whether or not individuals are free to live as they see fit. The fundamental issue is whether municipalities have the power to trample on the rights of business owners by forcing them to accommodate lifestyle choices with which they disagree.”
A recent article in National Review by a “former” transgender writer outlines the serious mental illnesses that are the root of the problem. Just as we would regard an emaciated teenage girl who lies near death in a hospital from starving herself while she still insists that she is too fat, as delusional, someone who is biologically male or female and insists he or she is the opposite is also deranged, and in need of serious corrective treatment — not self mutilation in an operating room.
Just goes to show how easy it is for stupid people to get elected in Charlotte.
Trangenderism is a mental disorder and should not be pandered to by politicians.
Did the City Council heap this undue expense and imposition on local government or just the business community?