Governor Pat McCrory today announced that he has signed an executive order that affirms some portions of the recently passed House Bill 2 and clarifies other portions. According to a press release, Executive Order 93 does the following:
- Maintains common sense gender-specific restroom and locker room facilities in government buildings and schools
- Affirms the private sector’s right to establish its own restroom and locker room policies
- Affirms the private sector and local governments’ right to establish non-discrimination employment policies for its own employees
- Expands the state’s employment policy for state employees to cover sexual orientation and gender identity
- Seeks legislation to reinstate the right to sue in state court for discrimination
In his statement, Gov. McCrory reiterated the need for HB2 to address the ordinance in Charlotte. “This government overreach was a solution in search of a problem,” he said.
You can also read more about the Governor’s Executive Order at NC Capitol Connection.
Why to go Governor!!
I am so tired of the 2% demanding their demands, not rights, to control the culture of the 98%. They can use a unisex bathroom when it is made available, but they have no right to invade the bathroom/shower area of people when marked as Male or Female. They can all follow the laws as written like all of us have to do. What they want is privilege, not rights.
Smart move. Takes the heat off him even though the EO is mostly symbolic. Will be very interesting to see if the General Assembly reinstates the ability for state courts to hear employment discrimination lawsuits.
C’mon, Pat! LEAD from the FRONT! Don’t use that “lead from behind” garbage like Obama!! This is a WINNER of an issue for ALL normal folks in NC, and we are the vast majority. I hope the legislature takes up this “right to sue” foolishness, and slams it down into the dirt. No politics need be involved, just plain ol’ common sense and traditional American values. Gov, you need to get WAAAAY out front of this issue. Make your best pitch in an elegant setting with a crowd of supporters and MAKE THIS ISSUE YOUR CENTERPIECE FOR NOVEMBER.
We’re all TIRED of the “twisted 2%” leading on an issue that the “normal 98%” of folks want FIXED.
God forbid you use the words Common Sense. I agree with the Governor and hope he does not back down. I am so sick of the politicians who stand for nothing. I also agree with the comment from Andy. Well put!