Over at NC Capitol Connection, Mark Shiver and his associates are exposing one myth in the current bathroom debate: that male predators never strike in restrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms. Mark’s story begins:
A male predator lurking in a restroom or shower? The Left says that is a preposterous idea. For one Triangle family and their 12-year old daughter, however, it’s all too real.
Such crimes occur all over the nation. Yet, the drive to allow any man who claims he identifies as female into women’s restrooms and changing rooms threatens to erode protections against crimes and invasion of privacy.
On Jan. 10, a Wake County family went to the Orange County Sportsplex in Hillsborough to watch a swim meet their daughter was competing in. The family has shared with NC Capitol Connection what happened there.
After the competition, the girl went into the shower area to rinse off, while her father waited outside. She could see no one else in the locker room. When she was in the shower, suddenly she was grabbed from behind by a man who pushed her to the floor and started to take off her swimsuit.
The sad fact is that transgenders are not threats — but male predators are. They are willing to take advantage of loopholes. And misguided laws and policies provide loopholes that weaken the safeguards of privacy and safety we all expect in public area where we are vulnerable.
To find out more, click here.
I can hear the false narratives from far away.All the liberal sites and most of the liberal corrupt lying media are saying this never happens.Sooner or later one of these degenerates is going to get shot by some woman they are attacking and she will be charged for shooting the scum.
This has nothing to do with Charlotte’s ordinance. Charlotte’s ordinance did NOT legalize criminal activity such as voyeurism, exhibitionism, molestation, etc… Illicit acts that were illegal in public restrooms remained illegal. The only change under Charlotte’s ordinance was the prevention of discrimination. Certain people/organizations are misleadingly using this canard to justify their bizarre obsession with attacking the lgbtq community & limiting their access to public accommodations – in clear violation of the Civil Rights Act.
Liberals are not saying criminal acts never occurs in public restrooms but they are saying transgender citizen’s human rights have nothing to do with the false narritive above.
Told you I could hear the false narratives from far away.
Seems we have two Lonnie’s now.Just what we need,another guy that thinks 14 year old boys need to be in locker rooms with 14 year old girls.The Charlotte ordinance was put in place by a convicted child molester.If that doesn’t give a sane person pause,I don’t know what would.Of course if you are a boy that thinks you are a girl,you have to know we are talking about mental illness,not civil rights.
“…one myth in the current bathroom debate: that male predators never strike in restrooms, locker rooms and changing rooms.”
Once again…Civitas staff post a myth of a myth.
The transcrazies have really taken over New York.
Casey, Lonnie,and George would love New York.Lots of Loonies there.Up to 250,000 dollar fine for getting the wrong gender name for these mental cases.It would be funny if it wasn’t so crazy.Gender benders are my favorite.
Can we all agree that liberalism deserves its own listing in the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM-V?
For those not familiar with the term, DSM-V is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Fifth edition). It is used by mental health professionals to classify mental health disorders in the United States.
Liberalism should qualify.
Liberal bastion, New York City, is reaching for new heights of mental dysfunction, blurring every conceivable line of biological certainty along the way, in pursuit of the social justice unicorn.
Baskin-Robbins of genders
Individuals living in New York City can choose from a minimum of 31 different gender identities, many of which allow them to fluctuate between some version or combination of male or female identities.
Businesses that don’t respect and accommodate an individual’s chosen gender identity risk incurring six-figure fines under rules implemented by the city’s Commission on Human Rights.
It’s like NYC is the Baskin-Robbins of gender!
Believe me, I thought it was satire, myself. At least I did until I saw the absolutely insane listing of Gender Identity Expression from the NYC Commission on Human Rights.
I’m sure there are some completely lovely and rational people in New York City.
None of them have anything to do with this list.
Call me crass, rude, insensitive, or politically incorrect, but I laughed entirely too long and loud at this:
Courtesy 101:
If you don’t know what pronouns to use, ask. Be polite and respectful; if you use the
wrong pronoun, apologize and move on.
Respect the terminology a transgender person uses to describe their identity.
Don’t make assumptions about a transgender person’s sexual orientation.
This is where I say, “no.”
That New York City has made the choice to suspend anything resembling basic common sense and is forcing this delusion on all their citizens, even the sane ones, is all the reason in the world for productive and sound minded individuals to bail that sinking ship of cultural Marxism.
If you’ve read the listing of imaginary gender identities but are left scratching your head, here’s a primer:
Someone who identifies as “genderqueer,” for example, is a “person whose gender identity is neither man nor woman, is between or beyond genders, or is some combination of genders.”
A “gender bender” is someone “who bends, changes, mixes, or combines society’s gender conventions by expressing elements of masculinity and femininity together.”
Similarly, someone who is “gender fluid” is a person “whose gender identification and presentation shifts, whether within or outside of societal, gender-based expectations.”
If someone self-identifies as “androgynous,” it means they are “appearing and/or identifying as neither man nor woman, presenting a gender either mixed or neutral.”
“Two spirit” individuals are Native Americans “who have attributes of both men and women, have distinct gender and social roles in their tribes, and are often involved with mystical rituals (shamans).”
If someone is “pangender,” their “gender identity is comprised of all or many gender expressions.”
Am I laughing too hard, again?
For citizens of that vast well of northeastern idiocy, it’s not as funny. They could potentially face fines for accidentally calling someone who “identifies” as a gay, amphibious fire engine “he.”
Now would be a good time for any reasonable people left in NYC to seriously consider if what has become of the Big Apple still resembles a world they want to live in.
I hear the climate in North Carolina is quite agreeable.
This has everything to do with Charlotte’s ordinance. Charlotte’s ordinance did legalize criminal activity such as voyeurism, exhibitionism, and child abuse… immoral acts that were illegal in public restrooms were reinvented as mandates to be imposed on businesses. The only purpose of Charlotte’s ordinance was the totalitarian promotion of perversion and oppression of non-perverts. All left-wing bigots and hate groups are engaged in a massive coverup of their complicity in these crimes to justify their bizarre obsession with forcing people to allow male sexual predators into girls’ and women’s rooms on the pretense of “identifying” as a woman, no questions asked – in clear violation of the Bill of Rights in the Constitution.
Casey and George, stop supporting child rapists, you misogynist bigots.
All the Liberal sites are praising Kroger for their unisex bathrooms.What most of them don’t say is the bathrooms have a lock on the door.These bathrooms have been around for years without a problem.That is not the type of bathroom we are discussing.Those tranny pandering sites make it sound like many people can go in at the same time.That’s a false narrative.God,forgive me for that.Makes me sound like a moron.
Casey and Lonnie and George, this is exactly what you lying gaystapo goose-stepper misogynist bigots keep pretending never happens in bathrooms in order to impose your Orwellian anti-Constitutional laws curtailing freedom of expression, freedom of religion, and freedom of association. Your long and disgusting history of enabling sex offenders in order to pander to tranny delusions has been well-documented:
All of you bigoted misogynist gaystapo goose-steppers belong in prison and on the sex offender registry for criminally conspiring to cover up the crimes of these trannies and non-trannies alike.
Conservatives will have to walk back their Jim Crow era discrimination against LBGT citizens.
NC Civitas fails to monitor their own comments page…or do they simply wink and nod in agreement?
“Civitas encourages you to leave your comments and feedback related to the articles posted here. Civitas reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to remove any comments, including but not limited to comments that include abusive, vulgar, threatening or harassing language, or personal attacks of any kind. Off-topic comments or gratuitous links that could be viewed as spam are also subject to removal at our sole discretion.”
The only thing that will be walked back is that Rino,Burr.Your felon leader of the Gimmedats got taken to the woodshed today by the Inspector General.You Gimmedats are in a world of trouble with old Felon shown to be as big a liar as you.She is 3 million votes ahead of your boy Crazy Commie Sanders.You nuts are going to get beat as bad as Reagan beat you.
Hey George boy,
Were your comments related to the article on this page.I was answering Lying Lonnie and I should be able to call him that because I caught him in another whopper.This article was about one of your sickos attacking a little girl.I saw no mention of that in Lonnie’s post or yours.Pinto and I are chewing you and old Lonnie up and spitting you out,and you are whining about how we are doing it.Want some cheese with that whine?
Lying Lonnie,
You can’t help yourself on that lying,can you.I don’t like Burr because he has gotten more and more liberal,but that lying site you put on there is a joke.They walked back what they said after they first lied.You need to start reading more than the headlines Lonnie.Thats how you get caught in so many lies.
Let’s recap who you consider “those people” RINOs, Democrats, Liberals, Low wage worker, protesters, Musliums, Urban residents, public school teachers, University Students, non evangelical Christians, strong vocal women, undocumented American Residents, American children of undocumented workers, socialist, members of the ACLU, Union members, University Professionals, scientist, the poor and Atheist. Who did I miss?
Larry believes only aging, white, male evangelicals can be “real American “.
It’s a sad day for America when the head-chopping heathen Muslims have a point:
I wonder how well that treasonous and un-Constitutional edict to the schools went over with the madrasas… or whether those gaystapo goose-steppers in Washington D.C. even dared send their naked attempt to crack down on schools for exercising their First Amendment rights to the madrasas at all. Heaven knows, the cowardly crybullying gaystapo goose-steppers who sued Christian bakers for refusing to celebrate their Satanic counterfeit of marriage wouldn’t dare make their demands on Muslim bakers.
Lonnie and George, you sick perverted child-abusing racist misogynist bigots had better walk back your hateful anti-religious bigotry and pogroms against Christians and Muslims now, because unlike Christians, Muslims don’t believe in freedom of expression, separation of mosque and state, or any of the other rights you’ve previously enjoyed under Christian governance. You replace the rule of law with the rule of unelected judges, and you perverts will all be getting beheaded, crucified, stoned, or defenestrated under Shariah law for your “Islamophobic” hate speech (a.k.a. “Defamation of Religion”) and perversions before you know what hit you. As they’ve already demonstrated with their invasion and subjugation of Europe, Muslims are way better at infiltrating and turning corrupt governments and judicial systems against their enemies than you pervert privilege pushers have ever been.
Just to rub it in, the rich and powerful Muslims running the newly Shariah-compliant courts will also continue to engage in homosexuality and pedophilia themselves even as they exterminate dhimmis like you for the very same crimes; and they might even use government-funded sex-change operations to “straighten out” any same-sex attracted individuals deemed properly penitent the way Iran’s government does. They’ll make real victims out of all you hypocritical hate-mongers trying to steal our liberties with your disingenuously discriminatory “non-discrimination” ordinances.
Meanwhile, in the People’s Democratic Republic of Oregon, tranny-panderers threaten the privacy and security of women at women’s shelters:
Misogynist bigots Lonnie, George, Casey, and Charlotte Observer to these abused women: “Ah, get over it, you transphobes!”
Of course, those abused women that the misogynist bigots Casey, Lonnie, George, and the Charlotte Observer are bashing for not “getting over” men pretending to be women being allowed into women’s shelters have nothing to fear, right? After all, the guy really did turn out to have delusions of femininity, right? Some wife-beater or rapist or sex offender could never get into those shelters to prey upon vulnerable women (such as… his battered wife?) by simply claiming to “identify” as a woman, could he?
Oh wait, I guess he could; and that guy was only a molester! What’s to stop some wife-beater from pretending to “identify” as a woman in order to get into the shelter where his battered wife is staying in order to shut her up for good? Yeah, thanks to you, tranny-panderers, wife-beaters will finally get to give those little crybabies who dared to run out on them and go tattling on them to the authorities the beatings they deserve!
Casey, Lonnie, and George, why are you so eager to strip battered women and rape victims of their shelters, you cruel misogynist bigots?
You ask who did I miss,I guess the ones I can think of are child molesters,mental cases that think they are a girl when they have men’s plumbing.I really don’t need to answer your stupid junk since Pinto is making you look like a fool like I did yesterday.
Hate rag that told girls to “get over” their “discomfort” with having dudes pretending to be women wag their weenies at them circles the toilet bowl:
Yeah, it’s time for you leftards to face this fact: the law is supposed to “discriminate” against sexual predators, wife-beaters, illegal immigrants, and all the other criminals you goose-stepping anti-Constitutional traitors have been trying to enable and empower with your illegal ordinances. Anyone who’s against that kind of “discrimination” belongs at best in a padded cell next to those of the other crazies, or at worst in a prison cell next to those of the other criminals.