On the eve of a presidential speech on why we need NObamacare, some more numbers have emerged.
A recent Rasmussen survey has found that the issues of illegal immigration and healthcare reform are starting to impact one another.
“The desire to limit the benefits to U.S. citizens is found across demographic and partisan lines. It is held by 95% of Republicans, 70% of Democrats and 87% of those not affiliated with either major party. It is favored by nine-out-of-10 conservatives and moderates, along with 56% of those who consider themselves politically liberal. But 32% of liberals hold the opposite view.”
How much longer can the NObamacare crowd leave this unaddressed. And, oh yeah, if you don’t put enforcement measures in the bill with real teeth, then you haven’t fixed the problem, Robert Gibbs.
Now, here’s the shocking part. That means that 17% think illegals SHOULD get free healthcare.