Lest there were any doubts about the ACLU’s intentions in releasing a report aimed at “reforming” 287(g) in North Carolina, the American Civil Liberties Union has made it clear that its end goal is the elimination of 287(g) altogether.
Recommends the ACLU’s “transition plan” for the Obama presidency:
“Stop entering into or soliciting 287(g) MOUs with states and localities, and give notice to relevant states and localities that all prior 287(g) MOUs will no longer be effective, in order to return all federal immigration enforcement powers to DHS only.”
The transition plan also urges Obama to cease immigration raids, prevent ID theft prosecutions against illegal aliens, and halt the expedited removal of illegal aliens apprehended within 100 miles of the U.S. border. In other words, they want to cease enforcing immigration law.
Check our website soon for a more detailed response to the ACLU/UNC report
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