Since Charlotte’s LYNX Blue Line light rail doesn’t have turnstiles or ticketing gates you must pass through, they basically have an honor system of paying your fare to ride the rail. They threaten you with a $50 fine if you are caught, but that enforcement is probably quite difficult to pull off.
Maybe they should borrow an idea from Vancouver where transit police there are tasering people who do try to skip out on paying the fare.
The country’s only armed transit police have been tasering passengers who try to avoid paying fares.
to documents provided in response to a Freedom of Information request,
police patrolling public transit in the Metro Vancouver area have used
tasers 10 times in the past 18 months, including five occasions when
victims had been accosted for riding free.
That’ll scare me into buying a ticket a heck of a lot more than a fine.
(And no, you squeamish lefties, I’m not really advocating this, just though it was interesting.)
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