Some local businesses here in downtown Raleigh have chosen to take a very public stand opposing the recently passed HB2.
The irony, of course, is that HB2 actually gives every business the freedom to determine their own bathroom policies and prevents cities like Charlotte from telling businesses what their bathroom policies must be.
Raleigh Raw
“Y’all Means All”
“Sorry, we do not have a public restroom.”
But then-
“We do not discriminate. We oppose HB2.”
This one is particularly interesting. On one hand, they refuse the public access to their restroom, and on the other hand, they “do not discriminate.” Refusing to allow not just transgenders, but the public, access to your restroom, is by definition “discriminating” against a group of people, since they are part of the public.
Nora and Nicky’s
“No Bigots Served”
And that was the worst one. HB2 supporters are called bigots, hateful, and we are told, as I have been told several times, that HB2 is reminiscent of the days African Americans were discriminated against and refused service by businesses.
Really? It is HB2 opponents who are shaming our legislators and posting their faces in windows to refuse them service. I walked around downtown Raleigh for fifteen minutes today and saw more evidence of bigotry than I have from any HB2 supporter.
Thanks for standing by this. The people displaying these signs are clueless as to what they are standing for, and hide behind name-calling. The fact is that letting businesses make the decision for themselves is the simple, common-sense approach to the matter.
I wish these retailers would try to understand the law or simply to read it. Those for the law are not bigots but instead, are trying to safeguard NC citizens. We don’t discriminate against LGBTQ individuals but we fear that “others” using the LGBTQ identify but who are not LGBTQ will be a threat to our women and children in public restrooms. The simplest way to resolve this is to create a third bathroom for anyone who wants to use it. If I’m in a women’s bathroom with a five year old girl and a man who is transgender comes in, I don’t want her to be frightened and likewise, how am I supposed to know if that person is a transgender or simply a man trying to get a look at our children. Allowing individuals to visit specific bathrooms based on what they want to be known as is fine by me as long as the specific bathroom is labeled “Other”.
The hypocrisy really seems to be yours. Opposition to discrimination laws is based on never having to serve anyone one doesn’t like. Senator Paul famously remarked that under the constitution, anyone can ride the bus to a business whose owner can refuse to serve him. The cited businesses are simply putting the public on notice whom they won’t serve. It’s better than the secret list NC Values Coalition claims, where you have no idea until the owner decides you look or act like someone he doesn’t want to sell to.
The NC Legislature will have to walk back this expensive and embarrassing HB2 legislation.
“Are you a minimum wage worker? Did you know the law takes away the right of any local government from adopting a minimum wage higher than the state’s minimum wage?
Do all citizens realize the law takes away your right to sue in state court for employment discrimination based on race, sex, religion and other categories that were previously protected under state law? You can still sue in federal court, but the wait time is much longer.
Did you know the law prevents any local government from enacting a wide range of nondiscrimination and employment policies?
Are you aware that Title IX of the 1972 Education Amendment specifically forbids discrimination against transgender students in any school that receives federal funding? That means the commissioners support the likelihood that $4.5 billion dollars in federal education funding earmarked for NC this year is in jeopardy. ”
By Ken Lynn
Ken Lynn is a retired USAF colonel. He’s an adjunct online instructor with the USAF Air University.
I feel certain that the courts, probably SCOTUS, will ultimately rule on the Constitutionality of legal transgender access to the bath and changing facilities of their choice/preference in public venues such as businesses and our public schools. In doing so, they must also define what it means to be “Transgender.”
This ruling would very much like what it means “when life begins”. If one is “transgendering” does this mean they are not afforded constitutional protections like an unborn fetus is not protected. Must they be fully “transgendered” just as fetus must be “born” to enjoy these protections?
If the courts simply say that a person enjoys the rights of a transgendered person simply because they Identify or think they are of the sex opposite their birth sex then would this not also hold true for one’s race?
Can I then, as a white heterosexual male then be entitled to all of the special treatments, set asides and quotas established by the Federal government over the years simply because I say I’m a gay, transgender black person?
What ultimately happens with this issue may be viewed by many on the left as a great civil rights victory but it may also be the undoing of all civil rights.
It’s time normal people took back this country.The tail has been wagging the dog too long.What kind of moron thinks it’s a good idea for some guy to go into the girls dressing room in a store or in a high school.Lonnie Webster is the only one I know.
Larry says
Fight back.Let’s become pot bangers like Lonnie.Boycott target.Phone number and website are below.
The American Family Association is calling for a boycott of Target after the retail giant said it would allow men to use the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms in their stores.
On its web site this week, Target announced, “[W]e welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity. …Everyone deserves to feel like they belong.”
This means a man can simply say he “feels like a woman today” and enter the women’s restroom…even if young girls or women are already in there.
Target’s policy is exactly how sexual predators get access to their victims. And with Target publicly boasting that men can enter women’s bathrooms, where do you think predators are going to go?
Clearly, Target’s dangerous new policy poses a danger to wives and daughters. We think many customers will agree. And we think the average Target customer is willing to pledge to boycott Target stores until it makes protecting women and children a priority.
One solution is a common-sense approach and a reasonable solution to the issue of transgendered customers: a unisex bathroom. Target should keep separate facilities for men and women, but for the trans community and for those who simply like using the bathroom alone, a single occupancy unisex bathroom option should be provided.
Take Action
Sign the pledge to boycott Target now! Target should not allow men to enter the women’s restrooms and dressing rooms.
After you sign the pledge, contact Target and let them know you’ve signed the Pledge. Call Target Guest Relations at 1-800-440-0680.
Share your concerns on their Facebook page at When sharing this on social media use #BoycottTarget.
Donald Trump agreeed with the arguments I’ve been making. Your false narrative is not selling, except to a few not so bright bigots.
Watch for the NCGA to walk this back in the coming few weeks.
Ted Cruz calls out Trump’s hypocrisy:
Target, already a favorite hunting ground for sexual predators:
Prepare to join ESPN and Target in circling the drain, you pro-rape child-abusing leftard bigots.
Here’s the actual bill, which Lonnie and the other hypocritical misogynistic bigots opposing women and girls’ privacy and safety hope you’re too brainwashed to read:
Hey, Lindsay and Lonnie, bake Adolf Hitler Campbell a cake and decorate it with his name, or you hypocrites are just like Jim Crow era racists:
Ted Cruz and 70% of North Carolina agreed with the arguments we’ve been making. Your false narrative is not selling, except to a few of your fellow child abusers and brainwashed bathroom bandit bigots.
Watch for your fellow reality-denying fascists opposing HB2 to continue circling the drain into ruin, along with their favorite bankrupt crime-riddled urban hellholes like Chicago, Detroit, and New York.
Remember, folks, being “inclusive” means firing people who disagree with you:
Therefore, all you conservatives and otherwise sensible supporters of HB2 out there, I urge you to be more inclusive by firing a leftard today.
Look what we are arguing about….people a large number less than 1% I would bet that want to use a bathroom of their choice…a male using a women’s room or a female using a men’s room…folks…why do we fight over something this stupid…. sorry…if you can pee through a knothole in the bar door…men’s room. If you can’t women’s room. Now lets get work to save our country on more important issues….
“Muh Oppression!”
“Do you hear yourself right now? You are not a woman.”
Conservative authoritarians are always looking for a groups to make scapegoats which diverts attention from their abuse of power.
This is a great story, from Story Corp.
“When he was 13, Border Patrol agents raided the farm where Vito and his family were working and rounded up undocumented workers. Witnessing workers’ fear of law enforcement struck a “profound chord in his being” and changed the course of his life.
Vito had always excelled in school, with Nena’s encouragement. She, herself, was the first person in the de la Cruz family to graduate high school, and she later went on to college. Following Nena’s example, Vito left South Texas for Yale University and then went on to attend law school at the University of California, Berkeley.”
Lying Lonnie,
And we tax payers paid for him to go to the people’s republic of Berkeley.Not you.Taxpayers.That whole story sounds just like one of Lonnie’s lies.When you catch him in a lie,he says it was a joke and conservatives don’t have a sense of humor.
How old were you when you lost your humanity and sense of justice?
When are you going to stop hating girls and women, you misogynist bigot?
“Prediction: within 24 hours [Trump] announces a major reversal on this plank and begins using the most extreme language possible to put him in sync with what he imagines conservative opinion to be.”
Then, whaddya know! Prediction vindicated:
Even at his worst, Trump’s not as misogynistic a bigot as all leftards like Lonnie are.
“Oh, I’m just a Bill, but I’d like to be Jill…”
Lying Lonnie,
I lost my humanity and sense of justice when I had to deal with Gimmedats and all their perverts like you.When did you lose your mind or were you born that way.
Public support for Lonnie’s bigotry and misogyny circles the drain:
“A backlash is growing against retail giant Target Corp. after its announcement this week that it will allow men or women who claim to be transgender to use whichever bathroom or changing room they choose while shopping or working at their stores.”
Civitas Staff, Larry and Gov. McCrory
If you’re in a public restroom and you think the stranger’s gender in the next stall does not match the sign on the door, follow these steps:
1: Don’t worry about it, they know better than you.
Civitas Staff, Larry and Gov. McCrory, and all other sane and decent people,
If you’re in a public restroom and you know the stranger’s gender in the next stall does not match the sign on the door, follow these steps:
1. Call in the nearest authority to have him evicted.
2. Watch him get arrested, convicted of attempted sexual crimes, and put on a sex offender registry for life, just like the molester who wrote Charlotte’s totalitarian ordinance.
3. Watch Lyin’ Lonnie’s head explode in apoplectic rage, shredding his rectum with fragments of his empty skull.
The NCGA have a mess on their hands.
“Below is a working list of those who have spoken against and those in favor of the LGBT measure. Others, including McCrory’s former employer, Duke Energy, and his alma mater, Catawba College, haven’t directly opposed new measure but instead emphasize their own nondiscrimination policies. THE (RALEIGH) NEWS & OBSERVER CONTRIBUTED.
Against HB2:
Among the companies, groups and individuals that have publicly stated their opposition to the new law:
A+E network
The Dow Chemical Company
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Smiles by Payet Family Dentistry
Northrop Grumman
Barnes and Noble
Sivan Capri Agency
Ralph Lauren
American Apparel
Albemarle Corp.
Choice Hotels International
Pandora Media
EMC Corporation
Bank of America
Wells Fargo
American Airlines
Lowe’s Cos.
Levi Strauss
Encore Music Publishers
Red Hat
Mountain Khakis
Pfizer Inc.
TD Bank
Replacements, Ltd.
Matrix Partners
Cisco Systems
The PNC Financial Services Group
Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance
Whole Foods Market
InterContinental Hotels Group
Kimpton Hotels Restaurants
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.
Dr. Bronner’s
Marriott International
Saturday Brand Communications
The Common Market (Charlotte)
Smash Communications
Singley + Mackie
Singley Content Studios
Adam Shankman, director and producer
Rob Reiner, director
Duke University
Wake Forest University
Davidson College
State of New York
State of Vermont
State of Washington
State of Minnesota
State of Connecticut
City of Atlanta
City of San Francisco
City of Boston
City of Seattle
City of West Palm Beach, Fla.
City of Santa Fe, N.M.
American Society of Interior Designers
ACPA-College Student Educators International
NC League of Municipalities
The American Kennel Club
Human Rights Campaign
Equality NC
Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network
American Society of Association Executives
Computer & Communications Industry Association
Consumer Technology Association
Software & Information Industry Association
Motion Picture Association of America
The District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority
Alex Dimitrief, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, GE
Ric Elias, CEO of Red Ventures
Casey Wasserman, President and CEO of the Wasserman Foundation
Steven R. Boal, CEO, Quotient Technology Inc.
Brandee Barker, Cofounder, The Pramana Collective
Michael Birch, Founder, Blab
Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar, co-CEOs, Atlassian
Lorna Borenstein, CEO, Grokker
Vice Forlenza, Chairman, CEO and President, BD
Paul T. Dacier, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, EMC Corporation
Brad Brinegar, Chairman and CEO, McKinney
Lloyd Carney, CEO, Brocade Communications Systems, Inc.
Ron Conway, Founder and Co-Managing Partner, SV Angel
Dean Debnam, Chairman and CEO, Workplace Options
David Ebersman, Cofounder and CEO, Lyra Health
Jared Fliesler, General Partner, Matrix Partners
Jason Goldberg, CEO, Pepo
Mike Gregoire, CEO, CA Technologies
Alan King, President and COO, Workplace Options
Kristen Koh Goldstein, CEO, BackOps
Mitchell Gold, co-founder and chair-man, Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams
Paul Graham, Founder, Y Combinator
David Hassell, CEO, 15Five
Dave Imre, Partner and CEO, IMRE
Dev Ittycheria, President &CEO, MongoDB
Laurene Powell Jobs, President, Emerson Collective
Cecily Joseph, VP Corporate Responsibility and Chief Diversity Officer, Symantec Corporation
Joshua Kushner, Managing Partner, Thrive Capital
Max Levchin, CEO, Affirm
Dion Lim, CEO, NextLesson
Shan-lyn Ma, CEO, Zola
Bill Maris, CEO, Google Ventures
Melody McCloskey, CEO, StyleSeat
Douglas Merrill, CEO, Zestfinance
Dyke Messinger, President and CEO, Power Curbers Inc.
Michael Natenshon, CEO, Marine Layer
Alexi G. Nazem, Cofounder and CEO, Nomad Health
Laurie J. Olson, EVP, Strategy, Portfolio and Commercial Operations, Pfizer Inc.
Evan Reece, CEO, Liftopia
Stan Reiss, General Partner, Matrix Partners
John Replogle, CEO, Seventh Generation
Dan Rosensweig, CEO, Chegg
Kevin P. Ryan, Founder and Chairman, Alleycorp
Bijan Sabet, General Partner, Spark Capital
Julie Samuels, President, Engine
David A. Shaywitz, MD, PhD, Chief Medical Officer, DNAnexus
Behshad Sheldon, President and CEO, Braeburn Pharmaceuticals
Mark Trudeau, President and CEO, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals
David Spector, Cofounder, ThirdLove
Bret Taylor, CEO, Quip
Todd Thibodeaux, CEO, CompTIA
David Tisch, Managing Partner, BoxGroup
Kevin A. Trapani, President and CEO, The Redwood Groups
Bob &Harvey Weinstein, Co-Founders and Co-Chairmen, The Weinstein Company”
Read more here:
To Lonnie and all fellow gaystapo goose-stepper bigots he has named,
Feel free to move out to a poverty-stricken child-abusing starvation-riddled Commie fascist hellhole that better suits your hateful and hypocritical ideology, you misogynistic hate-mongers. If Chicago, Seattle, Detroit, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, Flint, or any other American graveyard is not leftarded enough for you, there’s a whole country that’s as far left as you Stalinists are:
Nobody worries much about bathroom access there, since everyone’s too busy dodging small-time socialists (a.k.a. muggers) and standing in line for toilet paper. It’s the very embodiment of what you treasonous thugs want for our country as well. That’s why you’re not welcome in our state.
This further excerpt from Orson Scott Card’s article, methinks, says it all about what people really think of the violence-loving intolerant cruel hate groups from which leftards like Lyin’ Lonnie were spawned: