A message to you unintelligent lemmings (aka voters):
Many have figured that last weeks resounding defeat of the land transfer tax would discourage your county commissioners from ever bringing the issue up again. Well, think again. Apparently, you overwhelmingly voted down the transfer tax, not because of your dislike of this tax or your questioning the need for counties to have additional revenue, but because you weren’t educated enough.
Take a look at the words of Moses Carey, Jr., chairman of the Orange County Board of Commissioners, and candidate for NC Senate, on his reasons for putting the land transfer tax on the May ballot in Orange County:
…the failure of land transfer tax referendums last week could probably be attributed to the public not fully understanding the implications of voting down the measures."It didn’t discourage me because one of the reasons we decided not to put an option on the ballot in November was there wasn’t enough time to fully educate the public," he said. Commissioners have already moved toward informing the public on the taxes, voting 4-1 to appoint an advisory committee to help educate residents.
Ah, yes. Voters are stupid, Commissioner Carey (and many others like him) think they know better than you, and he will make sure that he spends your tax dollars to educate you better on why you should raise your taxes – thus an "advisory committee."
So how much of your tax money will Commissioners like Carey be willing to spend to "fully educate" you on the land transfer tax? Maybe we should open up some Maoist-style "re-education camps" so Commissioner Carey can ensure you vote the tax increase he wants, whether you want it or not.