20 lawmakers have sent a letter to Attorney General Roy Cooper and Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin asking for an investigation into Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s (BCBS) postcard campaign to get people to contact Sen. Kay Hagan to oppose the public option.
Apparently these 20 feel BCBS’s actions are at the least “bad public policy” and could be potential violations of the law. But just how bad do they think it is? Bad enough to say, return the contributions that some of them have accepted from BCBS?
6 of the 20 lawmakers have accepted PAC checks from Blue Cross over the last two election cycles:
Sen. Stan Bingham – $750 on two occasions – $1500 total
Rep. Marian McLawhorn – $750 and $500 – $1250 total
Rep. Ray Rapp – $750
Rep. Edith Warren – $500
Rep. Rick Glazier – $500
Rep. Marvin Lucas – $500
If BCBS is so nefariously engaged in potential violations of the law, it would seem that these six legislators would return the money BCBS sent them.
Bonus Observation – BCBS has given $11,000 to Roy Cooper’s campaign committee since 2003.
So these politicians weren’t too concerned if “policy holders intended for their relationship with Blue Cross to be used in this manner” when the money was lining their pockets.