Given all the other news coverage of Moral Mondays, you might have missed this interview with William Barber in the American Prospect. It’s worth reading for two reasons:
…In [Governor’s McCrory’s] first week in office, something happens that we deem immoral and extreme…We had to have a moral challenge because these policies they were passing, in rapid-fire, were constitutionally inconsistent, morally indefensible, and economically insane.
There’s a lot here in this section. Essentially, it sums up Barber’s justification for mass lawbreaking. So I’d like to pick this apart a little bit, sentence by sentence.
…Something happens that we deem immoral and extreme.
It’s funny how the plural pronoun can be used to gain credibility and distance at the same time. If you say, “I deemed this to be immoral and extreme,” your credibility comes under scrutiny. But if you say “We deemed this to be immoral and extreme,” suddenly you are both unassailable and disassociated from ownership or responsibility.
But it bears asking – who is Reverend Barber to “deem” anything? Is he an elected official? Was he elevated by the ballot box to a position of trust and authority? No – he was not.
We had to have a moral challenge because these policies they were passing…were constitutionally inconsistent, morally indefensible, and economically insane.
Apparently the majority of North Carolina does not agree, seeing as they picked these officials to enact exactly those policies.
Now, I’m not saying the majority is always right. As I’ve said earlier, people have a sacred right to dissent and protest in this country. But Barber is not just protesting. He is encouraging people to disrupt and break the system. It is one thing to protest in a city park, or on a public street. But that’s not what Moral Mondays are. Instead, protestors are intentionally breaking the law in order to arrested and bring more media attention to their cause. In the process, they are wreaking havoc on the Wake County criminal justice system.
Here’s another part of Barber’s interview that is worthy of closer scrutiny:
We just delivered a letter to the governor and the speaker saying, you’ve got the power to stop this. Just reconsider your attacks on Medicaid, voting rights, the unemployed, and the poor. If you don’t, then we will probably escalate in some ways – I’m not going to say how – because what they’re not going to do is live in peace while they hurt so many people and destroy so many lives.
That sounds awfully close to a threat. It sounds awfully close to coercion. It sounds awfully close to holding a metaphorical gun to the heads of elected officials and forcing them to execute the will of an unelected and tiny minority – or else.
To use one of the Rev. Barber’s favorite phrases: “That’s immoral. That’s extreme.”
Who pays Barber’s health insurance?
Rag. Barber. You are not an elected official, the voters did decide the way they wanted the state to go. If you want to live in a socialist, communist state MOVE your fat self to one of them.
Keep your vile and fake outrage up, it’s all for your own glory and hate of the other side. You’re a victim of the dem party and think the tax payers work to keep, feed and house you clowns Well there’s a new Gov in town and he’s backed by a whole lot more people than you and Gas Chamber George Soros can conjure up. If we need to show up to show you who’s running this state, then I think we can and we won’t be bused in from other states. Everything about you miscreants is faked. Shut up and sit down, we put up with that idiot you elected, you’ll live under this one.
Rev Barber is the leading Democrat in North Carolina. He should run for Governor in 2016 against McCrory.
Imagine that, No-Neck Barbour using Obama’s threats and distancing schemes. Hey “Rev”, how about all the crap Obama is doing and has done that WE DEEM to be IMMORAL & EXTREME? Lunacy has taken over this country…like we haven’t seen Socialism, Communism, and Statism (all Obama, Reid, Peolsi traits, Barber too) fail every single place and instance it has been tried, yet these people think it will be our saving grace. Apparently, they slept through history in school, or went to a school where Dems sanitized the history books into “revisionist history books”. Either is likely today.
It’s time to hold a recall election.
Something’s got to give
The meaness, the small minded and selfish
legislature running the show in NC
will have their day in court.
Just wait