Host Mark Shiver had an especially interesting interview today on “What Matters in North Carolina” with Tami Fitzgerald, executive director of the NC Values Coalition. She talked about the amicus brief her organization filed Monday with the Family Research Council in the case of Gloucester County School Board v. G.G, the case in which a girl wanted to use the boys’ bathroom at school based on her “identifying” as a boy.
Ms. Fitzgerald also discussed how the failed move to repeal HB 2 in North Carolina on the part of some of the legislative leadership was a letdown to those who had supported them and their stance on safety in women’s private facilities. Fitzgerald says it is clear that those who want to violate that safety and privacy will continue to get similar ordinances passed across the state, and have said just that. Legislative leaders hopefully learned that they cannot trust “deals” that involve the repeal of HB 2.
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The continued saga of an NCCivitas obsession… Lets cut to the chase…1. NCCivitas is dishonest, 2. NCCivitas is ignorant, or 3. NCCivitas believes its readers are ignorant.
Projection is a common psychological device used by Democrats. When not accusing or blaming it seems to occupy their thinking.
Keep HB2 Dump ACC
Keep HB2 Dump ACC