Advocate for socialized medicine, Adam Searing, would like you to believe that his bill (uh, I mean, Verla Insko’s (D-Orange) bill) is harmless. The bill would create a health policy "Council" stacked with people who think just like Adam Searing — by design, of course. This is a clever strategy.
Even if you got a couple of ringers on the Council to represent diverse perspectives, they’ll only be able to offer muffled dissent. The General Assembly can then go about the piecemeal socialization of medicine and destruction of the healthcare system in North Carolina–and then claim everything has been thoroughly "studied" and comes from recommendations of the Council. We’ve seen this before. But these seemingly innocuous central planners are really a way for Adam Searing to inject his upside-down philosophy into N.C. state government. His takeover of our healthcare choices will be complete.
The M.O.: He loosens his bow-tie and sits down with Insko, plus a few special interest and activists groups (all of whom showed up at a "public meeting" that Searing, et al organized to converge on the G.A.), and they create a Trojan horse full of radical socialist activists eager to get their claws into our healthcare system and our pocketbooks. A few dissenters like me show up because they happen to keep an eye on these things. Otherwise, the public meeting is a ruse designed to create a sense among committee members that the public wants "healthcare for all," which is doublespeak for Cubacare. While I have little patience for government-caused insurance monopolies, it may be time for them to bring their considerable weight to bear before this council finds its way into the world.
-Max Borders
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