I normally wouldn’t give any space (much less thought) to the mean-spirited gang of pink-bedizened hatchetmen over at BlueNC. (I’d much rather tangle with a more responsible and reflective group like those at NC Policy Watch. At least with NCPW you’re far more likely to get an honest debate instead of ad hominem attacks, venom-spitting and conspiracy theories.)
But BlueNC and the sundry other australopithicines who frequent it all have the poochmouth because JLF didn’t invite them to their blogger’s party. BlueNC? Upset because the PuppetMaster offered to tie no string to its behind? … Well they’re just going to have to have a party of their own and invite neither the right-wing illuminati with their $100-bill-wrapped cigars, nor traitors to the left like Ed Cone. That’ll show ’em (sniffle).
Anyway, I’ll be there representing Civitas and RedClayCitizen. I’ve got rich fat guys lining my pockets, after all.
(Note Ed Cone’s and Mike Munger’s comments beneath the post. The latter could be our next guvna, ya know. :)) -Max Borders
As you know, BlueNC is a collection of many different people, none of whom speak on behalf of the others. The one blogger at Cone’s place who was “poochmouthed” probably posts less than once a month on BlueNC, if that. He certainly doesn’t represent my personal views – nor could I find a single other person agreeing with him.
If you had bothered to read my comments at edcone.com and on my own blog, you’d know that I would never expect to be invited to a Puppetshow event, nor would I even consider participating if invited.
Lastly, your comment about my being disrespectful is right on the mark. It is my growing belief that the Puppet agenda in North Carolina is not simply destructive, it is also dangerous. I, frankly, can see no good reason to honor that agenda with even the illusion of respect.
Just sayin’.