According to this WRAL report, Rose Hoban had her recorder “confiscated” during a Senate Commerce Committee meeting today. While, Hoban claims that she was being restricted from recording a meeting, she did not notice when the recorder was removed by a member of the sergeant-at-arms staff. The story said that she had placed the device on a side table.
You may remember Hoban and her organization, NC Health News, from this article by Francis De Luca from last year. In the article De Luca explains Hoban’s (and her organization’s) connections to Blueprint NC, the organizing network that distributed a 38-page document that outlined a “collective statewide strategy” to discredit Republicans and conservatives in North Carolina. One of the immediate goals described in the memo was to “eviscerate the leadership and weaken their ability to govern.” In order to do that, Blueprint concluded, it was necessary to have
“operatives with relationships to statewide media … for getting out the message in non-traditional ways.”
This little bit of news is a reminder that the left-wing Blueprint crowd is still on the job working on implementing their agenda.
This graphic illustrates some of NC Health News’ connections to the Blueprint NC network – a picture is worth a thousand words…
Paranoid BS like this explains why Civitas has no credibility, and has to rely on Art Popes money to operate.
Not a single mention of the FACT that the meeting could be legally recorded, and confiscation of her property was illegal.
It doesn’t sound like she had her device confiscated. It sounds like she put it down and left it where she couldn’t even see it and someone from the staff saw it just sitting on a table and picked up. The way the story read she didn’t even see who picked it up or when it was picked up – that’s not confiscation. It sounds more like staff thought it had been left behind by someone and took it for safe keeping.
Yes, it was all a simply oversight and no harm was intended. The Sergeant at Arms had thought it was “lost property” and was intending to give it straight back to the person that had lost it. In no way was it to be construed as an effort to silence anyone. LOL.