Those of you who thought Cathy Truitt’s decision to drop out of the District 2 runoff election against John Tedesco for Wake County School Board signified victory for conservatives, think again. On a 4-1 vote, yesterday the State Board of Elections moved to let the race go on with Truitt’s name on the ballot.
So let’s see now, District 2 with an ever-growing population of parents who feel Wake County Schools is giving the locals shortshrift will have a big say in the direction of Wake County Schools. Be assured Truitt’s popularity has magically skyrocketed among liberals and educational establishment types. If Truitt were elected, the seat would be considered vacant and the current board would pick a replacement. And that’s the scenario to which most supporters of the current school board are clinging
You can bet teachers unions and parents groups are waging massive get-out-the-vote campaigns. The stakes are high and the choices are stark: neighborhood schools v. school reassignment; top-down district management v. greater parental involvement. If this scenario isn’t enough to motivate people to go to the polls, I’m hardpressed to consider what will.
This is corruption at its finest. What has democracy come to?