The Daily Tar Heel (UNC-Chapel Hill’s paper) ran this article recently about budget cuts. The article focuses on cuts to building projects and possible cuts to academic programs.
Cutting bureaucracy wasn't mentioned as an option. I sent the DTH a letter pointing out this omission, but they didn't think it was worth printing.
It looks like UNC learned a thing or two from Bev Purdue. They seem to be taking the “pretend to cut something people like, so they will agree to pay more” approach to budgeting.
Unfortunately for UNC bureaucrats, the secret is out. The Bain report on University efficiency officially tells us what we already knew: UNC is spending far too much money sustaining bureaucracy when it should be focusing on educating citizens.
I doubt UNC fundraisers will change their strategy, but the Bain report certainly makes things more difficult. If officials sacrifice bureaucrats, they should have no problem funding academic programs.
Donors don’t be fooled. You will get phone calls begging for money to save academic programs. Before you send that check off to UNC make sure it is going to go to something you believe in rather than some bureaucrat’s salary.
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