The misleadingly named "School Violence Prevention Act" SB 526 sponsored by Senator Julia Boseman (D-New Hanover) is on the NC House calendar for a vote during tonight's House session.
This bill would introduce into North Carolina law for the first time descriptions of sexual orientation. A similar bill was used in Iowa to destroy the concept of traditional marriage.
Were this bill truly about protecting children from bullies at school then it would have some sort of penalty for the bully, right? Sadly, it has none. Shouldn't a bill named "The School Violence Prevention Act" prevent school violence?
A bipartisan group filed a clean bullying bill, HB 776 without the sexual orientation categories. That bill had 62 sponsors from both parties and yet was never heard by any House committee.
Do the math. The NC House has 120 members; 62 would be a MAJORITY. The game played by the legislative leadership is one using a stacked deck where the votes really only matter when they win.
Bullying in schools is wrong. So is deception in lawmaking.
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