The Bullying Bill passed its final vote in the NC House on Tuesday afternoon and is expected to be signed into law by Governor Perdue. This marks the first time that sexual orientation has been written into North Carolina Statute. Supporters of the bill claim a intent clause located at the end of the bill will prevent any part of the bill to be used as a legal basis for additional gay rights such as same sex marriage.
The bill was hotly debated in the House session with some comments by members considered rude and unbecoming to the chamber. The bill passed by a vote of 58 to 57 when two members that had voted for the bill the previous day changed their votes to no (Rep. Dewey Hill D-Columbus and Rep. Jamie Boles R-Moore) and two members that had previously voted against the bill took a walk (Rep. Ronnie Sutton D-Robeson and Rep. William Brisson D-Bladen)and did not vote.
Look for a more detailed anaylisis of the bill and its impact coming tomorrow at
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