Civitas has received reports that the voting equipment in Guilford county is recording votes for Obama when the voter had indicated a vote for Romney.
These reports sound similar to problems with the Direct Record Equipment (DRE) in several counties in NC 2010. In several counties in 2010, people who voted a straight Republican ballot were surprised to find that when they reviewed their ballot the equipment had recorded a straight Democratic vote. Here is a story from WWAY that explains what was happening in New Hanover County in 2010 and another from the N&O.
This kind of problem is a calibration issue and usually an easy fix, but if you don’t check your ballot – and just press vote – you may be voting for someone you did not intend. Elections Boards like to call these things a “glitch”.
While not every county in NC uses DRE’s to vote, it is a good reminder for the voters who do vote with a touchscreen to check your ballot before pressing the button to vote.
I have contacted Guilford County BOE and will update this blog when they return my phone call.
Isn’t it interesting how the “problems” always are in favor of Democrats? Election boards may like to call them a “glitch”, I prefer to call it sneaky voter fraud that deserves to be investigated.
In the era of “there’s no voter fraud” and no required ID (yet), I think it’s time we start doing like some other countries and dipping people’s fingers in ink that cannot be removed. One person, one vote for sure.
I see there is no mention of this “glitch” on the Guilford County Board of Elections website. Admitting a mistake is often painful, but informing voters is always necessary.
For us to accept voting machines that give no hard copy record of each vote is beyond me. This we must change before the next election. If we get both houses and a governor that is conservative, we should hold their feet to the fire. Then we must get our federal representatives to fight for a federal law mandating hard copy receipt given to each voter. Calibration? There is no calibration to do. This is a programming issue controlled by hard code with “If” and If/And logic. This can’t be changed unless the person is a computer programmer, so that means one thing, since code doesn’t change by itself, it means someone hacked.
The problem they are having with calibration has to do with the touchscreen machines. It is not part of the code. Each screen must be calibrated in order for the vote to be recorded correctly. Heavy use or a move (machines being transported) can affect the touch screen calibration. It would be good practice for the touchscreens to be re-calibrated every morning before voting begins.
I’m concerned because when I inserted my ballot into the scanner, the scanner started beeping and my ballot was ejected. The poll worker told me to just wait until the scanner stopped beeping, turn my ballot so the back page was on top and re-insert it. I think it went through OK, but how can I be sure? What caused it to reject it the first time?
D.K. Smith, you should contact your local board of elections office and ask them why the ballot was rejected the first time. Here is a link you can copy and paste – it will take you to the state board of elections list of county contacts. (Hope you will return here and fill us in)
If read the information below, you will understand that the emails sent from our Consulate in Benghazi had started our military response, orders were given to stand down, our military leaders tried to help anyway, and they have now been fired by Obama, or someone just below him.
The Full Story on Benghazi, our Military Response, Security, and Obama
Is anyone else seeing the black helicopters flying over?
Hey Wanda McCuiston, watch the video and get a life.