Bev Perdue is an agent of change, right? Or at least that's what she has told us.
But just looks who she appoints as one of the people to head up her transition:
Norris Tolson, whose resume (courtesy of the N&O) includes:
he worked in agribusiness for nearly three decades before getting into
politics in 1994. After two terms in the legislature, he served as
secretary of commerce and transportation under Hunt and later as
secretary of revenue under Gov. Mike Easley. In 1999, he briefly considered runs for governor and agriculture commissioner. He now heads the N.C. Biotechnology Center and is helping Gov.-elect Beverly Perdue fill her Cabinet.
Yep, apparently to Gov.-elect Perdue, "a longtime Raleigh insider" is an agent of change.
Oh, this one is a gem too…
overhaul an agency that had been hurt by conflict-of-interest and
patronage scandals.
Good to see we've got THAT problem all cleared up. Ha!
When it comes to Gov-elect Perdue's administration, she sure is talking the talk of change, but her actions leave something to be desired.
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