As you might recall, HB2, which many in the mainstream media love to call the “bathroom bill,” was not the original “bathroom bill.”
The Charlotte City Council first poked their noses into the bathrooms of private businesses by passing an ordinance in February 2016 that required all businesses to make their places of public accommodation open to any and all genders.
The NCGA responded by passing HB2 in order to protect the rights of business owners and reaffirm the safety and privacy of women and children in places of public accommodation.
Cue the liberal media backlash and public shaming of the state of North Carolina, which has become a haven for businesses to thrive. All of a sudden, other states were sending travel advisories, urging folks to stay out of our “hateful” and “bigoted” state. Of course, this had nothing to do with the fact that in recent years since conservatives have run the state of North Carolina, it has become the #2 state for businesses and a top state for families as well. The fact is, as a direct result of strong leadership and a growing economy, Americans are migrating to North Carolina in droves. All of this despite the millions of dollars being funneled to liberal activists in our state to infiltrate it with their liberal agenda.
Eventually, the Republicans in the NCGA chose to extend an olive branch to Democrats in the General Assembly by offering a compromise. Democrats in the General Assembly had no interest in a deal and it was swiftly rejected.
And now, today, the same city council has found it politically expedient to offer the same compromise they recently rejected. Charlotte has approved a repeal of their original ordinance on the condition that the General Assembly repeal HB2. The only difference is that this time, the compromise offered would require a special session of the General Assembly, when they could have accomplished this back in September in the regular session.
Before HB2 was ever even passed, the General Assembly repeatedly urged the Charlotte City Council to repeal their ordinance. And after HB2 became law and backlash erupted, the NCGA and Governor McCrory offered to repeal HB2 if Charlotte would just repeal their dangerous ordinance.
So it seems the General Assembly will meet tomorrow and mark my words, if HB2 is repealed in order to make this deal, the media will hail the Charlotte City Council for their compromise as if they were the first to propose it. And despite his efforts to actively drive businesses out of NC, Governor-elect Roy Cooper is inserting himself into this deal to look like a hero. What a joke.
It’s interesting how you shape the GA’s compromise attempts as anything other than an attempt to recoup lost money; like their hands were completely tied because one city wouldn’t repeal it’s initial ordinance. If it wasn’t for the national backlash and millions flying out of the state’s coffers, a repeal wouldn’t even have been on the agenda. I get the frustration over the timing and how it will be perceived but let’s not fool ourselves into thinking this was some kind of insurmountable partisan loggerhead.
In the immortal words of AC/DC: “Money Talks!” …you know the rest.
The whole article is half – truths … at best. :)
And Civitas continues to censor comments it doesn’t like, critical of it’s National Enquirer standard of journalism. You must be so proud of your very low standards.
Don’t be a sucker folks! This repeal nonsense is just that, nothing will stop the “shove-it-down-their-throats” gay agenda crap. Any town or city can do the same thing again if this law is repealed and the drama begins anew. Why repeal it at all when we are likely to have a future squabble over this same issue? Let’s not forget over half the country has similar laws so the business acumen is nonsense too. It’s another way to politicize an agenda that should be left to businesses, churches, civic clubs and private institutions.
Hey David,if civitas censored comments then everything Loonie George puts on here would not get on here.