Fantastic piece
in the Washington Post on the birth of an education revolution in
post-Katrina New Orleans.
Since Katrina, charters have become the norm in the educational system of New Orleans, with over
half of all students attending charter schools now. Success here could go
a long way towards furthering the charter movement.
Note the one quote from a dissenter:
Leigh Dingerson, education team leader for the Center for
Community Change in the District, says Louisiana school authorities have "opened a flea market of entrepreneurial
opportunism that is dismantling the institution of public education in New Orleans."
Um, no. Not dismantling public education. Dismantling government-run public education.
Great article, Chris….Those interested in keeping the discussion going on post-Katrina schools in New Orleans might want to look at Education Next, “Hope After Katrina,” Summer 2006. Available online at: