So says the N&O's columnist Ruth Sheehan while extolling the good work of schools like Torchlight Academy:
But assessing performance based primarily on test scores doesn't do
justice to the work of places like Torchlight. There is not a regular
school in Wake that caters to such an academically challenged student
If Torchlight isn't given another chance, its
students would be sent back to the same public schools that struggled
with serving their needs in the first place.
Don't get me wrong. I love the public schools; all three of my sons attend them.
But when public schools fail kids, especially minority and poor kids, no one shuts them down.
those schools are pushed to improve — as Torchlight has been — and
the parents are given permission to move their kids to other schools.
Torchlight parents already have that option.
Yes, Torchlight's parents have that option. Now wouldn't it be nice for all parents to have that option as well?
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