Stymied by Segregation a report by Kris Nordstrom of the NC Justice Center, highlights segregation – who would have ever guessed it — as one of the biggest challenges facing North Carolina public schools. The report has garnered coverage among the local press. In part, because Nordstrom calls out charter schools for making segregation worse in many places. How do you solve the problem? Among other things, the author recommends allowing the state to close charter schools that aren’t diverse.
Do parents really want the state deciding what school their child can attend based on factors that may not be as important to them? It’s a recommendation likely to generate significant opposition from parents and educators.
There are many things wrong with this report. If you want a quick review, read Tom Miller’s insightful, spot-on critique available here. Miller, is a former public-school teacher and current charter school principal. It’s well worth your time.
Stymied by Segregation reiterates the left’s never-ending message: parents can’t be trusted and we know better.
Thankfully, most parents and policymakers know otherwise.
“parents can’t be trusted and we know better” not a message from anyone…but rather slogan created by Civitas to push their narrow and shallow ideas.
No Mr. Zeller. The quote is exactly what the left is saying. According to the left’s policy thinking, I can’t be trusted with the educational decisions for my children, I can’t be trusted with my own safety and personal protection everywhere I go, I can’t be trusted to……….Not only can I make decisions for myself and family, unlike the lemmings the left wants us to become for them, I can and will also take the personal responsibility for the success or failure of those decisions. Oh how easy it must be for some folks to simply look to the government for answers and the blame for their individual and their cultural failures.
George – If schools trusted parents they would let parents make educational decisions for themselves. The problem is they don’t.