The informal straw poll we took at the Conservative Leadership Conference (CLC) picked Texas Sen. Ted Cruz as the leading Republican in the race for the White House.
Attendees at CLC handed in their paper straw ballots during the conference March 4-5 at the Embassy Suites Cary.
Fifty-seven percent picked Cruz. Following him were businessman Donald Trump at 15 percent; Florida Sen. Marco Rubio at 11 percent; Dr. Ben Carson and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, both at 5 percent; with 7 percent of voters picking other hopefuls.
It should be stressed this is not a scientific survey, but a simple straw poll taken for informational purposes.
Those looking for the latest and most reliable polls on the candidates of both parties should check out our calendar page and find out more about our March 10 poll presentations.
Proud to have voted for Ted Cruz in that straw poll. Only true constitutional Conservative running