Yesterday afternoon the Senate Education Committee approved SB 812 on a voice vote. The bill calls for the repeal and replacement of Common Core Standards. The bill now goes to the full Senate.
Also, late yesterday the full House approved a HB 1061 — the House version to repeal and replace Common Core — on a vote was 78 -39. All Republicans voted for the bill, along with three Democrats. The bill now goes to the Senate.
The intent of both bills is largely the same; repeal and replace Common Core. The difference however is in the details. One of the biggest differences is in the composition of the Academic Standards Review Commission (ASRC) and who appoints members. The House bill calls for 9 members on the ASRC; the Senate bill calls for 11 members. The Senate bill also gives the House Speaker and the President Pro Tem of the Senate the ability to appoint four members. Interestingly, the original LRC legislation said the ASRC should have 17 members – a number I would favor. A higher number is preferable because of the complexity of the topic. It also ensures the Commission reflects a variety of perspectives.
The Senate bill still has to go to the floor. When it’s passed — and most expect it to be — the differences will be worked out by a conference committee.
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