Whether climate changes in the Northern Hemisphere are caused by natural climate variability or by anthropogenic greenhouse gases, there may be a low-cost way of turning down the thermostat. David Schnare’s Senate testimony linked to geoengineering looks promising on its face. A sliver:
I testified that the oceans will not rise and flood the bay because before that can happen, before the Greenland Ice Sheet can melt, someone is going to employ "geo-engineering" to turn down the global temperature. They will do that by replicating what volcanos do. They will put small reflective particles into the troposphere that will create a sunscreen that will stabilize the global temperature at a level that will prevent melting of the glaciers and thus prevent a rise in ocean level. They will do this because it will be one one-thousandth less expensive than trying to control emission of greenhouse gases. They will do this because it means they will be able to grow their economies, develop their nations and still not suffer the worst effects of climate change. They will do it so that they, and the rest of the world, will have a few centuries to find a way to transition to non-carbon energy sources.
-Max Borders
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