It’s always interesting to watch politicians try to wiggle their way out of voting for potentially controversial items. Take for example Sen. Janet Cowell (D-Wake) who got up and walked out of the Senate chambers the past two days when the bill repealing the land transfer tax came up for a vote (S 1951).
At one point during a vote on a later bill, Lt. Gov. Perdue could be audibly overheard saying that Sen. Cowell was "out in the hallway."
As you know, Cowell is running for state Treasurer. Don’t the voters of this state have a right to know how she stands on this contentious issue? Why is she intentionally dodging taking a stand on the land transfer tax?
What is she going to do as Treasurer when the stock market has a bad day and she loses $500 million in the pension fund? Go and hide in the basement and not talk to anyone?
Leadership is taking a stand for your beliefs even when it may hurt you politically. What was revealed today is that Sen. Cowell is more interested in playing politics and getting elected to higher office than representing her constituents in Wake County.
Profile in courage