Gov. McCrory wasn’t the only one who put forth a plan yesterday to help address the issue of teacher pay.
On Wednesday, Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest announced his intention to create the North Carolina Education Endowment. The plan, also supported by Sen. Jerry Tillman, will provide a supplemental source of funding for teacher salaries and is intended to mitigate the impacts of downturns in the economy.
The general public can support the fund by purchasing ” I Support Teachers” license plates; making individual or corporate tax deductible contributions or by designating a portion of their NC Tax refund for the Education Endowment.
Resolving the teacher pay issue requires short term and long term thinking. An endowment, funded with voluntary contributions is a good start to addressing a piece of the funding puzzle.
I have two question. Will individuals and corporations step up and contribute? And , will legislators have the fiscal discipline to let the fund grow? Time will tell.
I recall the NC and Federal Highway Trust Fund, the Social Security Trust Fund, and the Medicare Trust Fund. Want to bet the progressives of both political parties are salivating at the potential pot of money to raid?