One way to evaluate David Limbaugh as a commentator is to check out his 2010 book “Crimes Against Liberty.”
Limbaugh, who will be speaking at our Conservative Leadership Conference (CLC), is a noted author, commentator and attorney (and brother of Rush Limbaugh). The book is subtitled “An Indictment of President Barack Obama,” and Limbaugh’s background as an attorney comes to the fore. Like a prosecutor, Limbaugh assembles a careful and devastating catalog of how very early in his presidency Obama had already violated key elements of American democracy.
“Everything about Barack Obama’s radical background signals his visceral contempt for America — its culture, its values, and its political and economic systems,” Limbaugh wrote. “His unmistakable goal is to bring America down to size ….”
Obama, he added, “has been one of he most fundamentally dishonest chief executives in our history.” In “Crimes,” Limbaugh goes on to detail how Obama committed offenses against the American people, American institutions, and our general welfare and security.
It’s one of the most complete analyses of Obama’s reign. Perhaps the most sobering aspect of the book, however, is that it was published six years ago. Limbaugh laid out a devastating indictment against the president, yet he was reelected. Neither the American people nor Republican leaders have been able to bring Obama to account. Americans need to somehow, someday answer the question of how that happened and what it means.
For our upcoming conference, we are confident Limbaugh will have equally incisive and thought-provoking insights — coming up in a few days! Find out more about the conference at
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