Writer and attorney David Limbaugh has some advice for the candidate he most admires:
Ted Cruz has everything it takes to be an extraordinary — even historic — president and lead the nation out of its current quagmire. He just needs to say what he’s going to do, in concrete terms, and underscore why he can be counted on more than all others to do it — because of his record, his commitment to action and his demonstrated courage in fighting establishment power brokers who will resist him.
But, Limbaugh notes, Cruz has traits that could sink his candidacy. Click here to find out what the Texas senator needs to do to win.
If you want to hear more from David Limbaugh, you can hear him in person at the upcoming Conservative Leadership Conference. Go to civitasclc.com for more information and to get tickets.
“We adore Ted Cruz because he is a Bible-believing Christian and is unashamed to openly discuss this.” Odd litmus test.