Wonder what inspired Rob Christensen of the N&O to write this article on the recent primary in North Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District? Just a few days (five to be exact) prior to Christensen’s article, Francis De Luca, Civitas’ President, wrote on the same subject – the battle between long-serving congressman, Walter Jones, and an outsider with D.C. connections to power and money. The article was posted on our blog, Civitas Review.
De Luca’s position was that the Republican leadership and Washington establishment tried and failed to unseat an independent-minded GOP congressman. That was essentially Christensen’s conclusion, too.
What sets Christensen’s article apart was that in it, he referenced and even quoted Rush Limbaugh on the subject. That’s strange because it was De Luca’s article that prompted Rush Limbaugh to talk about the Jones race for almost 10 minutes on his program the day after De Luca published his article. And it should be noted that Limbaugh spent much of that time quoting, almost verbatim, from De Luca’s article.
In the end, it was Rush Limbaugh who credited Francis De Luca for his work. Christensen did not. That is an odd omission.
Lazy, template driven journalism. People have been “quoting” Rush for years even when it’s clear that Rush was talking about something that someone else said or wrote.
DeLuca and Rush, what a great meeting of intellectual giants.