One of the issues Governor-elect McCrory addressed in his press conference last week was the (then) Nov. 16 deadline looming for NC to make a decision regarding establishing a state health exchange as mandated by the Obamacare law.
But according to this news report, that deadline has been extended.
North Carolina officials were given extra time Friday ahead of a deadline for a new one-stop shop to help people buy affordable health insurance. The federal government will run the exchanges in states that are not ready or willing.
The Obama administration said governors can have more time to submit an outline for an online health insurance marketplace. North Carolina and other states still on the fence need to declare by next Friday whether it will be setting up new health insurance markets under the Affordable Care Act, with detailed blueprints now due in mid-December.
Gov. Beverly Perdue is consulting with Gov.-elect Pat McCrory and Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin about the state’s course, state Health and Human Services Secretary Al Delia said Friday. McCrory, a Republican, takes over for Perdue, a Democrat, in January.
McCrory has thus far not publicly stated whether or not he would endorse the new exchange, simplay saying that he needs to learn more about the issue before making a decision. Last year, Civitas wrote ten reasons why NC should not establish a health insurance exchange.
Moreover, the deadline change represents another flaw in the Obamacare law – namely great uncertainty. From the lengthy list of largely politically-motivated waivers from the Obamacare “tax” to now moving deadlines; Obamacare more closely resembles the arbitrary whims of the political elite rather than the sound, predictable rule of law.
NC should not set up a Health Insurance Exchange. If enough states opt not to set up Exchanges Obamacare will have to be revisited by Congress