Does anyone else find it interesting that Los Angeles, in a state with a $24.3 Billion budget deficit, is spending $4 Million on a memorial service that it cannot afford for a musician that was up to $500 Million in debt? Maybe LA needs to collect private donations to conduct memorials like this one before they put their citizens even deeper in debt.
LA was not the only city spending money to honor the “king of pop.”
As reported from On the Beat:
…”Things were far more low-key in Raleigh, where several hundred people gathered for a remembrance service.
There were many multiples more empty chairs than people inside the cavernous Raleigh Convention Center. That added up to a financial disaster for event organizer Bruce Lightner, who thought the event would draw at least 5,000 people. The actual turnout was less than a tenth of that, which Lightner said that left him with $20,000 in bills to cover rent and expenses.
“I don’t know where the money’s coming from,” he said afterward. “I’ll probably have to get a loan from the bank to pay it off. But I’ve learned a valuable lesson. Sometimes you have to say no. It was a mistake on my part to attempt to do this.””
More money spent when NC can’t afford it. So much for a thriller.