No one seems to know exactly how many vehicles are in the state vehicle fleet and their location. That’s the conclusion of a new report by the Program Evaluation Division of the North Carolina General Assembly. The report said:.
The Program Evaluation Division found an absolute discrepancy of 2.346 vehicles between what agencies and institutions reported owning and vehicle registration records. North Carolina does not have a central source of information for the number and cost of state-owned motor vehicles. To collect such information statewide, the Program Evaluation Division had to rely on the data provided by state agencies and institutions. It is the Program Evaluation Division’s opinion that the 29.669 state-owned vehicles and $182.7 million in vehicle-related expenditures cited in this report understate the actual number and cost.
In short, the number of vehicles reported by state entities does not match vehicle registration records. Be assured if the vehicle records of a private citizen or corporation didn’t add up there would plenty of fines and penalties. If agencies can’t keep accurate up-to-date vehicle records how can they expect others to do so?
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