Following up on an external audit showing dramatic waste in the UNC system, the N&O reveals more details about the growing layers of bureaucrats throughout the UNC system.
This decade has been good for associate vice chancellors at UNC-Chapel Hill. Their numbers have nearly doubled, from 10 to 19, and the money paid to them has more than tripled, to a total of nearly $4 million a year.
The university now admits that some of these people were in jobs that were not vital. They represent the rapid management growth in the 16-campus UNC system that has added tens of millions of dollars to annual payrolls.
A News & Observer analysis of university payroll data and similar work done by the UNC General Administration shows that many of the 16 campuses have expanded their bureaucracies at a big expense. Administrators are among the best paid people on the campuses, typically earning $100,000 or more.
Similarly, my colleague Bob Leubke points out the growing ranks of non-instructional and administrative positions in North Carolina’s K-12 system in this article:
The numbers behind the trends: All local, state and federal positions (Since 2000)
- 39,896 new education positions have been created.
- 20,472 new teachers have been hired, 19,425 non-teaching positions have been added. That’s almost one new non-teaching position for every teacher hired.
- 4,717 new Instructional Support personnel have been hired.
Government bureaucracies feed upon themselves. Their natural tendency is exponential growth. I bet if this same sort of analysis were applied to every government agency, the results would be the same.
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