Today marked my first taste of a “Moral Monday” protest. Although protests are not set to start officially until May 19, our lovely friends got a head start today with the opening of the short session. To say I reverted back to an old childhood pastime during today’s protest would be an understatement. I vaguely remember sitting on the floor of my grandparent’s home as a two year old beating out a tune on pots and pans so that the whole neighborhood could enjoy. Well, today I was able to relive that childhood pastime, all thanks to our protesting friends.
My reaction? What does this have anything to do with the issues they are so called protesting for? I mean fracking, school vouchers, workers’ rights, and equality? How does beating pots and pans apply to any of these issues? And after getting over the shock of seeing grown adults beat pots and pans, my next question is, what are their issues with these policies they are protesting over? I saw signs against fracking, school vouchers, and workers’ rights, but never an explanation as to why these were a problem. Several people spoke and ran through the list of policies that brought them together, but not one explained their grievances over these issues.
Can I get a sound off for an explanation?
(I must applaud the protesters for one thing; their pots and pans melody has supplied me with enough humor to last until their next protest.)
It has long been my belief that Liberals embody the child part of our psyche, so it was with a great sense of vindication that I read the account above. Now, I don’t hate children; in fact, I dearly love my granddaughter’s wide-eyed enthusiasm and magical thinking. I’m not really thrilled with the 2 yr old’s lack of reality, honesty, hygiene, ability to defer immediate gratification,or sense of fairness. In fact, in certain settings she can be downright atavistic and dangerous. Perfect for the screen and stage; very bad for an electorate or a politician. Yet, it seems we have Liberals generally behaving as 2 yr olds. No need to offer them compromises; just give them milk & cookies, and put them down for their naps.
Perhaps they were banging out that ole time liberals’ top ten protestors’ hit…..”Kumbaya”. Nothing like that solid gold sound being percussed on the bottom of a 6 quart double boiler!!!