Recently the Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Justice and Public safety met to discuss the Merger of Juvenile Justice and Adult Correction Administration.
Although there has been some scrutiny of the merger, the Department of Public Safety and DPS Secretary Frank Perry have consistently said, “We are streamlining and combining upper level functions, while continuing to provide the same level of support, and in some areas enhanced support, to our field operations…There will be no mixing of juveniles and adults under supervisions, in facilities or in community programs anywhere.”
One example of why the merger is a good thing is buying in bulk of supplies. It will be much cheaper to buy food and supplies in bulk rather than one department at a time. Another example will be the sharing of resources.
During the meeting there were several handouts distributed including one for Hierarchy of Adult and Juvenile DPS and another of Talking Points for DPS Merger. It is believed that the consolidation will make both agencies stronger and help them be better equipped to manage a comprehensive correctional system.
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