Democrats on the Wake County Board of Commissioners have increased support for WCPSS by $90 million since 2015. Since taking the majority on the Wake County Board of Commissioners,Democrats have presided over a 30 percent increase in local support. .
So imagine the consternation of Commissioners when members of Wake County School Board strongly opposed and criticized the decision by Wake County Commissioners to only boost county education funding by $21 million this year – about half of what the school system wanted. In 2015 Commissioners gave WCPSS a record $44.6 million increase in local funding. The tension has soured relations between the two groups.
Commissioners didn’t like that WCPSS had a $21 million fund balance, were asking for yet more money and couldn’t adequately explain how money was being spent.
Asking how taxpayer money is spent is a legitimate question. Thinking county commisioners ought to comply with every budget request from the local school district reflects a detestable arrogance and poor understanding of the budget process.
Is this what we want from our local school board?
Some of the increased funding requested (& received) was for the “New & Expanded Programs” in the WCPSS budget. One of the primary “expanded programs” was for the Office of Diversity (or Equity or Equitability or Social Justice Warriors or Celebration or Pattycake or whatever it is today!). You know that office that screams for “tolerance” but are now the leaders of intolerance themselves, and require that we are not just tolerant, but celebratory of their diktats! We LOVE that our tax dollars are supporting this lunacy! Yes, we did contact all of the WC Commissioners several times expressing our disagreement. To no avail.
I hope Civitas is working to recruit fiscal conservative Republicans to run for county commissioners. John Burns, Co. Comm. is very rude to his constituents. If you comment on anything he posts he insults you and calls you names. He argues with everyone who disagrees with him and keeps on and on trying to have the last word. In my view and many other citizens, this man needs to be voted out of office.. He only appeals to his liberal voters and makes that clear. He is perfect example of government officials who have no business serving. He has his agenda and isn’t interested in hearing from any conservatives. Public officials are suppose to represent all their constituents! If they don’t they need to be replaced!
We must have some fiscal conservatives on the Bd. or taxes will continue to escalate.