Frankly, we conservatives long thought Obamacare would be a failure. Well I, for one, am shocked that it’s an even bigger failure that we expected.
It’s an ordeal to try to log on to the system. My latest attempt got this:
People also are shocked by how their insurance bills are skyrocketing.
But now it’s dawning on people that this isn’t even really insurance.
Look at an estimate of the range of costs under the plan. This is just a sample from one state; and note that these are likely lowball estimates, but since the administration has been stingy with facts, these are the figures we have, so let’s work with them.
Note for instance what a non-smoking, single male of 30, as above, has as a deductible: $10,000. This young man has to shell out ten grand before collecting a nickel for health costs.
And this is the cheapest plan. A good guess is that such a person would have to pay 40 percent of the medical costs — with a total out-of-pocket cost of $16,000.
That’s a lot of money for many people. Basically, this person has no health insurance for anything less than a major car crash or cancer.
Let’s say this is a young man in the Obama economy who is stuck in an Ob job, limited to 29 hours a week, with maybe student loan bills. How’s he going to pay off sixteen grand? He might as well not have insurance.
This plan is not health insurance, it’s auto accident insurance. Break a leg skiing, contract a serious infection, hurt your back — and you have no useful coverage.
But of course it’s not meant for you. Obamacare is designed to rake in money from young people to keep geezers like me healthy. So I have to laugh when college students march by our office, banging on drums and reciting slogans that were old in my youth. They are in thrall to Obama and the liberals — who are fobbing off on them fake health insurance, just to pay for health care for us rickety boomers.
A lot of retires are getting the bad news, we are dropping your health coverage.
Sorry, due to the ACA, we can no longer afford it.