I have to hand it to UNC President Erskine Bowles, he's got cajones.
Here we are in the midst of an economic crisis, budget shortfalls of up to $3 billion are looming for the state of North Carolina, Governor Easley is asking for 5% budget reductions and here comes the UNC system asking for a 5.8% increase in funding!
That, my friends, takes balls.
Of course, they UNC system is preaching frugality by "ask[ing] state lawmakers for the smallest increase in funding in 20 years." (Does the increase in funding include money to cover Mary Easley's new exorbitant salary?)
They obviously don't get it. Cut means REDUCTION in funding, not a "smaller increase."
But don't worry, the General Assembly will just raise your taxes to cover it.
Yeah, but you know how those Chapel Hill kids are hurting… What about the children?
Bev Perdue will handle this with grace and poise. Don’t worry.